Wednesday 11 May 2016

*Preface of Aadi Sankara's Bhaja Govindam ।। ভজ গোবিন্দম্ ভাগবতপদ ।।

Aadi Shankaracharya is known as the 'Incarnation of lord Shiva' Himself.With HIS concept of ''advaita'' the non-duality ,HE had introduced the world with a new version of spirituality. In his time,while Hinduism- the sanatana dharma was facing loads of awkward practices n customs like castism, touchable /untouchable ; man made rituals has taken the place of what called dharma; HE gave spirituality a new height. 

On Vaishakh Sukla Panchami He was born and in his childhood when he was asked 'who yu are' by his guru- he sang his famous verse "shivoham"- "mano buddhi ahankara chittani naham- na cha sthotra jihve na cha ghran netre..."
It was just beyond imagination that a boy explains his master who HE is and who we all are. 

His every verse has a great teaching n noone till now could contribute further to what HE has offered the spiritual world.
Though we are not the experiencer,still we on the path of spirituality has our coins of experiences as spiritual asset.
The moment something we experience,it actually stored as memory. But with the vision that all these into our life are just happening - we remain detached.
Ramanujam just after Adi Shankara came n has introduced the spiritual world to d concept of Visisth-Advaita. A devotee sees god as a separate entity. In bhakthi,They are two,not one.

I was small. Not knowing about these two famous GURUs. That time net was not there,we had a little time to go through the scriptures when we were student.
Moreover the source in our family,my granny had passed away. In bengal, the south indian masters were not that famous that time. but today i will tell yu my experience fr "bhaja govindam" Shankara's famous 12 verses which speaks about Bhakti and Satsang. 

Once during my childhood I got to see "Sanyasi Raja" with the ladies of our family in a cinema hall. I was small, and was not allowed to see movies. As coincidentally , a ticket was extra with them, they have taken me along . 

Some family drama,a king n his brute friend chasing his wife,conspiracy to kill the king, somehow he was saved n gone far far away for long.... nothing was getting into my head clearly but a song in the movie when that king returned to his estate as a sanyasi n was before the bar council as a witness of the entire conspiracy only in order to save his prajas. 

His face,His Robe,His Beard n the long hair,n His eyes speaking the emptiness was stored in my that little head.When at the end if the movie he was walked away-leaving everything behind singing that famous song "bhaja govindam,bhaja govindam, bhaja govindam _____"

I have not mentioned the next word here 'mudamaate' cause that time i was not getting the word exactly .... But I was one- with the scene and with the sanyasi. I was weeping inside the dark hall. I didnot wish him to go away. Probably for the first time I was experiencing 'longing' for something unknown. Show ended, and we came back home. Sometimes i used to sing that song replacing the unknown word with ''mann re'' ..... 

In deep love hidden inside my heart fr that lyric, pain for the unknown, I was growing up. I saw the movie again after long time,on tv, then I was a grown up girl and I knew the word "muda maate". 

Still whenever i listened to that song somewhere, my heart gets soaked into that experience, in that voice,that lyric ,that sanyasi.... 

After many years i could found that song n the singer somewhere. A figure so known still so fresh in my memory. 

I really cannot explain how this came as the preface of 'Bhagabadpad' , probably a line which is true for every disciple for their gurus * Janam janam ka saath hai, nibhaneko... Sau sau baar humne janam liye...  * 

Its the Guru who pushes one towards satsang, towards devotion, makes one to experience 'Longing' and ....

longing knows no end.....

Aadi Shankara's 'Bhaja Govindam'

!! ভজ-গোবিন্দম !!

ওরে ও অবোধ, আন ফিরিয়ে বোধ,
শ্রীহরির নাম গা !!

শেষের সময় আসবে যখন ,,
বৃথা হবে শিক্ষা - 'জ্ঞান -ব্যাকরণ '
সার হবে এক পতিতপাবন ,
সেই যে এক সাধা...
শ্রীহরি -র নাম গা !!

ছেড়ে এবার অর্থবাসনা ,
জাগ - মন ও জাগুক , হয়ে ইচ্ছাবিহীনা ,
সন্তুষ্ট হ' মনে - নিজ শ্রম-উপার্জনে ,,
কায়মনোবাক্যে হোক সাধা .....
গোবিন্দের নাম গা !!

নারীবক্ষ, ক্ষীনকটি যতই হোক অনুপমা ,
নাভি নিতম্বে মাংসের স্তূপ বৈ তো না ,,
তাকিয়ে দেখ এ জীবন পদ্মপাতার জল ,
ক্ষনকালে ফুরাবে কিছু তো রবে না ....

জগত ভুগছে নিজ নিজ অহংকার রোগে ,
ক্ষতবিক্ষত হচ্ছে প্রতিপলে -
ডেকে আনা দুঃক্ষ-ভোগে ,,
এ বুঝিয়া আপনমনে চলুক শ্রীহরি সাধা...
গোবিন্দের নাম গা !!

তোর পরিবার তোকে মানে
কারণ সাধন তাদের তোর উপার্জন ,,
যেদিন অবসর নিবি কর্ম হতে ,
তাদের আদর হতে হইবি বর্জন ...

বৃদ্ধকালে অনাদরে ,
মৃত্যুর দিন গুনবি ওরে ,,
এ দেহ যখন শব হবে - 
ভয় পাবে আপন ভার্যাও তারে ...
সংসার সার এটুক জেনে শ্রীহরির দিকে তাকা -
গোবিন্দের নাম গা ♡

শিশু থাকে পড়ে খেলার মোহে ,
যৌবনে নারী-সাহচার্য বাসনে ,
বৃদ্ধকালে সংকায় ঢাকা -
কেমনে ইশ্বর আসিবেন মননে ?? !!

একবার ভাব এলি কোথা হতে ,
কেই বা তুই , কেন এ জগতে !!
কেবা স্ত্রী কিবা পুত্র তোর ? !!
এসব কি মনে আসেনা তোর ?? !!

সত্সঙ্গে নির্জনতা , সে  এককতায় বৈরাগ্য ,
বৈরাগ্যে স্থিরতা, সেই স্থিরতাই মোক্ষমার্গ ...

এবার জেনে নিজেরে তুই সেই মোক্ষের পথে  যা ,
গোবিন্দের নাম গা .... ♡

কিবা কামবাসনা কারো বৃদ্ধাবস্থায় !!
কিবা সে পুষ্করিনী যাহা শুকায়ে যায় !!
কিবা পরিবার যখন সম্পত্তি ফুরায় !!
আত্মদর্শন হলে মায়ার জগৎ মিলায়ে  যায় .....

ছেড়ে ধন-জন- যৌবনের অহংকার ,
যাহা চিরন্তন তাহে প্রবেশ কর রে এবার ,,
মৃত্যু এক পলে ছিনিবে এ - সবই ,
কোথা রবে তোর এ চাঁদের-বাজার !!

সকাল সন্ধ্যা দিবা রাত্রি আসে ,
একে একে শীত বসন্ত আসে ,,
কাল সবই গেলে ক্ষুধায় গোগ্রাসে ,,
তুই ও যে মিলাবি কালের আগ্রাসে....

কাল খেলা করে , নেভে জীবনদীপ ,
তবু ঝোড়ো হাওয়ায় জ্বলে মিথ্যা আশার প্রদীপ ,
কিবা শংকা তোর স্ত্রী -সম্পত্তি তরে ,
যা থাকিবেনা তোর - সে চিন্তা কেন ওরে...
দেখ যে চক্ষু খুলে যে করিবে তোরে পার ,
ভবসাগরে পারের নৌকা চিনে নে একবার ,,
পারের কড়ি তোর এক সে শ্রীহরি ,,
তাহাতে মিলায়ে যা , গোবিন্দের নাম গা !! ♡

O fool!Sing the song of the divine.Sing the song of the divine,Sing the song of the divine,Because at the time of deathThe memorization of grammar will not save you.Oh fool!Drop the desire of accumulating wealth,Awaken right understanding,Make the mind desireless,And be contented and happyWith whatsoever you gain through your own labour.Do not be infatuatedBy the beauty, the breasts, the navelAnd the waistline of a woman.These are nothingBut contortions of flesh and fat---contemplate this again and again.Life is as transient and unstableAs a droplet on the lotus leaf.Understand it well that the world is suffering from the disease of the egoAnd is wounded by sorrow.The family takes interest in youOnly as long as you are capable of earning money.As old age comes and the body becomes decrepit,No one in the house even bothers about you.Only as long as there is life in the bodyDo the people in the family care for you.The life gone out, the body fallen lifeless, even one’s own wife is afraid of it.A child is obsessed with playing games,A young man is obsessed with n women,The old are obsessed with worries.Man never turns towards the divine.Who is your wife? Who is your son?This world is very strange.Whose are you? Who are you?From where have you come?Do think over these essential questions.From Satsang comes aloneness,From aloneness comes non-attachment,Because of non-attachment mind becomes stableAnd because of a stable and unwavering mindLiberation is attained.What is sexual desire once old age has set in?What is a pond once its water is dry?Who is the family once your wealth is finished?Where is the world after self-realization?Do not be proud of wealth, people and youth,Because death takes them all awayWithin a moment.Dropping all these illusory matters, know the divine and enter into it.Day and night, evening and morning,Winter and spring come and go again and again.Thus the play of time goes on and one’s life is over.And yet the breeze of hopeDoes not leave one alone.Oh, you madman!Why are you caught up in worries About your wife and your wealth?Don’t you knowThat even a moment’s company with good peopleIs the only boat there is to take youAcross the ocean of this mundane world?One who has long hair on his head,One who has pulled his hair from the roots, One who is wearing ochre robes,Or is dressed up in a variety of ways,That fool, in spite of having eyes, is blind.Just for the sake of his stomachHe dresses up in different ways.All limbs have become infirm,All hair has turned white,There is not a single tooth in the mouth anymore-such an old man walks with the help of a stick;even then he is bound down with the mass of hope.Struck by the cold,In the morning he warms himself by keeping the fire in front of himOr by keeping his back towards the sun.At night, he sleeps with his chin between his knees,He takes alms in his hands and lives under a tree;Even then he does not drop the bondage of hope.He may undertake the journeyTo the Ganges or the Ocean,He may undertake many austerities and fasts,He may give away in charity,But if he does not have self-knowledgeHe will not be liberatedEven in hundred of lifetimes.One may be residing in the temple of GodOr under a tree, the earth may be his only bed,Deerskin may be his only robe,He may have dropped all kinds ofPossessions and indulgences-who would not be blissfulby such a renunciation?He may be absorbed in enjoyment of the sensesOr in yoga, he may be engrossedIn somebody’s company or he may be alone,But if his heart dwells in the divine, then it is he who is blissful,It is he who is blissful,It is he alone who is blissful.One who has read even a little of the Gita,has drunk even one drop of Ganges waterand has worshipped God even a little,Yama, the god of death, cannot destroy him.Oh God, protect me from this troublesome worldwhere one has to be born again and again,die again and again,and fall into the womb of a mother again and again,and take me to the other shore.He who has made his robeout of rags from the roadside,whose path is free of the thought of sin and virtue, who is engrossed in yoga,such a yogi sometimes plays like a childand sometimes like a madman.Who are you? Who am I?From where have I come?Who is my mother? Who is my father?Contemplate over these questions,then you will find that the worldand its worry is meaningless and dreamlike,and you will become free of this bad dream.The same divine resides in you,In me and everywhere else.By becoming intolerant towards meYou are getting angry in vain.So, dropping this ignoranceOf discrimination in everything,See only yourself in all.Do not waste your energy over such matters,As enemy and friend, son and brother,War and treaty. If you want to attain to the feet of the divine soon, maintain equanimityIn everything everywhere.Dropping sex, anger, greed and attachment,Meditate upon yourself: Who am I?Because fools without self-realizationSuffer the anguish of deep hell here.Only the Gita and the Sahastranam-the one thousand names of God-are worth singing;only the form of Vishnuis worth meditating upon incessantly.One should always seekThe company of good people,One should give money to the poor only.One indulges with woman for pleasure,But what a pity that in the endOne only has a worn-out body.Although death is the only certainty in this world,People do not stop sinning.Money is disaster – always contemplate over it.The truth is that there isNo happiness in money at all.It has been seen everywhere that the rich manIs afraid even of his own sons.Pranayam and pratyhar,Intelligent discrimination between transient and intransient,Disciplining of samadhi with japa-Discipline all these with caution,With great caution.Totally surrenderedTo the lotus feet of the master,Free from the bondages of the world,Having disciplines the mind along with the senses, you will be able to see the divine within your heart.Oh fool, Sing the song of the Divine!Sing the song of the divine!Sing the song of the divine!Osho has commented on the popular song Bhaj Govinda in a series of 10 discourses.The english translation of these talks, that have been delivered originally in Hindi, is published in a book under the title "