Wednesday 13 February 2013


We r called humanitarians isnt it ?
concerned more about the pulp of fruit than the peels.more about the essence of spirituality than the rituals of religions.

Long time back God has given me opportunity to go through the concept of Islam. I read n tried sincerely to practise the teachings. I love to go upto the root of something i study,so as much as possible i was on research on diff topic,views, considering its every aspects in diff realms - what left me with a deep wonder. Reading the life of Rasulallah n his way of offering prayers, the way he used to go to the top of a hill everyday to listen to his Allahtala, suddenly on one day getting d msg "EKRA"- "read" o rasool...during his prayers, d way an illiterate read those ayats appeared on a stone n recited the same to his followers, left me in a state of wondering how !!
mind was constantly churning the peels of thoughts upon,and i was seeking the answer of my quaries on connection. how i came aaysha? how being a hindu i feel that very same lov here too? whats the common spark which is igniting d flow of that very oneness ? guruji's book on similarities between hinduism n islam n the debate on it on peace tv, the film on rasullallah's life n few songs which i was contemplating upon indicated me that. i spoke it to some n got with few assertive n negetive views upon mine. When it is accepted that the veda teaches the same one God, then the way on what the ancient scripture came is also to be accepted. The ancient Saints,n preachers of d religions were the meditators. They sat quiet,observed,contemplated n practised n they in state of samadhi got their msg of oneness of one love. Like in geeta Krishna said to arjuna i cannot repeat those words once more to you because i was in the state of samadhi then. Geeta cannot be repeated,Quraan cannot be altered,Bible n its preaches cannot be generated once more. In that highest state of bliss the ahele-kitaab n those eternal words were being spoken n they never come twice.
They all are like this flower to me- "ROZA"

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