Thursday 15 August 2013

Njanapana - 15 th August

It was a beautiful webcast of the recital of Njanapaana by more than 12000 keralites in presence of Gurudev SriSriRaviShankar ji at Art of Living bangalore ashram.
The translation of this divine  bhakti recital is here (courtesy Durga's blog on the same). In bhaktimarg it is said the bhakt dissoves into thy holy name n merge with God. fr a moment HIS eyes were wet when the lines were being recited at the concluding part, "Victory to Narayana...." .My pranaams to all the gurubrothers n sister of Kerala who shared this awesome recital with rest of us. Koti pranam to our brother Swami Sadyojathah Ji who invoked the awareness fr *Njanapana* among all. Gurudev said yesterday that the Waves of Happiness which starts frm Kerala will reach upto The Himalaya and beyond,and with the prayer "Loka Samasta sukhino bhavantu" i dedicate this to our beloved Swamiji.


My teacher(Lord of Guruvayur) should help me always to keep the sacred names always in my toungue, and thereby making my life fruitful;
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!
Neither we know about yesterday and tomorrow, nor do we know about the time when the body seen in the present will end. O Lord, you make the seen unseen and make one ‘carried’(dead) within couple of days.It is too you who make the King a beggar.
Some perceives this by seeing, but some does not. And there are some who perceives early that nothing seen of this sort is the Truth. There are different mentalities among humans themselves. As many wants to know about it, there are many Saastras(books with correct explanation of various aspects of life). For those interested in Karma, there are Karmasaastras. There are innumerous saastras like Sankhya saastra, Yoga etc, but keep those aside for now.

For people like us who are bewildered in this rotating wheel of the world, great scholars have suggested the Supreme Truth. To get salvation easily, give your ears to this.
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!
We are all tied up with a thing called ‘Karma’(Deeds).
The world of all these seen is handled by a single ‘jyothi’ (flame) form, without allowing any of these to come within it and without getting disturbed by any of these, being something pereceivable by the ones who think of it, being non-perceivable by any means to those who does not know anything, being the living thing in each one of the world wherein no two are alike.This one who stands detached from everything, is the one who made the world! Three worlds are contained in this 'One', and compared to this, this world is nothing!
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!
In this world made of the ‘One’, there are three karmas(deeds)- Good deeds, Bad deeds and a mix of these. When we think of these three, we can see that life is tied up by these, one using golden chain, the other using iron chain, and the mix of good and bad deeds uses a chain made of both gold and iron.Those who are in the way of Brahma also are tied up with their deeds. Even Brahma finds it diffcicult to create the world before the ‘Flood’, or to cross the chain of deeds. Even the dik paalakas(the Gods protecting the eight directions) are bound at their own directions. We, with our silly deeds changes our form from one species to another, by entering the womb and coming out of it and thereby playing with our deeds.
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!
The creature ‘life’ being in Den for some time, gets free of its bad attributes and attains maturity in course of time, to take birth as a human. Those gone to the heaven by performing good deeds enjoys there till their credits of their good deeds expire. They take birth on earth, and if they die after many bad deeds, will be thrown to the dens.
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!
One life from heaven will take birth in this world as a Brahmin(the best caste). But doing many bad things make him take next birth as a ‘chandala’(low caste). Demons become Gods, Immortals become trees, Goat becomes elephant and vice versa, fox dies to take birth as man, a lady dies to take birth as a fox, the unkindly toturing king dies to take birth as a worm, fly dies to take birth as a cat, and all these are Lord’s games. These lives going up and down like this earns all deeds from this earth; endless deeds!
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!

Thus, with the earned credits of the deeds , the lives go to the respective worlds, and remains there until the credits of one’s own deeds expire in course of time. Then they come again to earth to earn more deeds. It is like , staying somewhere else with the money you got it from your home.
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!

The playground for all deeds is the place of birth which is earth. Destroying one’s deeds also is not possible anywhere else. The Earth, the mother of the world gives everything they like to the devotees, to the ones yearning for liberation and to the good and successful ones. She is the root nature of the Lord, visible to us. The incarnations of the supreme is happening, to protect her only. Because of this, Earth is the best among the fourteen worlds. Saints in the way of Vedas and the Vedas themselves tell this with great respect. In the great ocean there are lakhs of islands wherein seven are the best.
As the centre point of the lotus Earth stands aplace known as 'Bhoodharendra', which is divided in to nine parts. Among these nine, Bharatha country is the best part. Respected saints are telling this is the area of Karma. Even for those in Brahmaloka, the seed of Karma is to be sprouted from there. It is not easy to destroy Karma and to take life to salvation, in the parts other than Bharathakhanda(the country Bharata). We all should remember that this Bharatha is such an important a place.
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!
Among all the four yugas, Kaliyuga is the best as it is very easy to attain salvation in the same. There is no other effort needed other than chanting Lord’s names like “Krishna Krishna Mukunda Janardana Krishna Govinda Rama”. Thinking of this, those lives in the other thirteen worlds, those in the other six islands, those in the other eight khandas(sectors) and those in the other three yugas ,praises and respects the Bharathakhanda of Kaliyuga; as they are unable to attain salvation. They think..”It is our bad luck not to take birth in this Bharatha khanda in Kaliyuga, O God! We salute every human and even Kali who took birth here at this time, o Krishna!”
Others praise like these, but why should we tell this? Instead, we all should remember that this time is Kaliyuga, this place is Bharatha and we are all humans. You think well about whether the names of Hari are vanishing, whether the fear of den is decreasing, whether this is a life without a tongue or whether we do not have this destruction at all.Alas! Without thinking, we are wasting our life.
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!

After many births of suffering, because of some good deeds, we have taken birth here. How many births we had in forests, how many in water, how many in soil, in how many we stood as trees, how many times dying, how many times as cows or other animals; all before getting this life as a human. It took big effort to enter mother’s womb. After that, we lost 10 months there, another 10 or 12 years as a child and thereafter living in self esteem and pride, being illiterate of oneself.
We don’t know how long we live. In this momentary body, breath alone persists. That too diminishes being illiterate of the this and running around. In this short span of time, we are not chanting His name.
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!

Some are quarelling for positions without shame. Another few are thinking of the communal egos and becoming mad about it. Some are going to the houses of women and becoming their pet-monkeys, some are taking pride in being the servants, some are doing ‘shanthi’(pooja) till dusk to sustain, some are not giving even food to his own father, mother and wife. Some don’t even see own agnisakshini wife even in dreams! If some good people correct it, they become furious on these good ones, as if towards enemies. Some disrespect scholars and some takes the credit of keeping the world in tact only through their words.
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!

Being proud of their brahmanya, some claims even brahma is equal to me. Some are performing ‘Agnihotra’ to attain titles, some are selling huge quantity of gold n precious stones , some are doing business with elephants, some are using even ships for making money!
Even after doing all these, how much wealth are they getting?!! Instead, they are ruining themselves in greed for money, to become dirty paupers. Mind will never be happy with how much ever wealth we get.If one gets ten, he wants to get hundred instead; if one gets hundred, he wants thousand instead. If one gets thousand, the would think more would have been wonderful.
We are going up in the rope of desire, without get detached from it.
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!
When good people beg for money, the cruel ones will not given even a part of it, but at the time of death no one is able to carry even the dress put on. Without repenting, they are in wrong believes, and by having desire in wealth, they are ignoring the Truth. The Truth is Brahma itself, and the good people believe in this. Without knowing what is to be known from the knowledge, some pretends to be a scholar. It is just like an ass carries saffron without knowing the smell of it. Thinking of Lord, one can see all these illusions are because of the desire.
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!

Life period is counted down and the desire is going up and up. While thinking one after the other like “Vishu has come after Onam”, “Thiruvathira is yet to come”,”In the month of Kumbha, my birthstar aswathy will come”,”There will be some death anniversary in the month of Vrischika”, “feasts are not less”, “After getting a child, I will marry him off and will see his child”, the poor fellow dies, O Lord!
Why to say this much about it? All of us should think well- the size of our Karma, the various births we had come through, the Time has reached Kaliyuga, the greatness of Bharathakhanda and the fact that we are born in that, the time wasted in this birth, the fact that there is no measure of one’s life period, the healthy state, the fact that one can attain ‘Purusharthha’(dharma, artha, kama, moksha) by chantimng Lord’s names, the forthcoming fears about den. You should think about it today. Why to waste time, all of you go to Vaikunda!
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!
We are together neither at the time of birth nor at that of death. O why should we compete for nothing, in this meantime we saw each other? Having Purusharthha with us, why we are longing for wealth? Why should we consider other light during daylight? Is there any need of other children when Unnikkannan(Lord Krishna in the form of a kid) is playing in our mind? We have got many friends, but are there not devotees of Lord Vishnu? Seeing the tricks of the Maya(Illusion), life too plays its silly tricks and these are the prosperities in this world. This world is our home, the master of the world, the Lord is the father for all of us and the Mother of the world is the mother for each living thing. This father and Mother are there to protect us always. The food is their bhiksha to us and all we have to do is to have the same.
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!
Without desires, we should chant the Lord’s names, in devotion. We all should live carefully in this way, as much as we can, for the life period allotted to us. We should salute and praise , without any shame, each and every living things. Being His devotee, one should suffer all the harshness towards him . When one sees good people, he should bow down without shame. One should dance in devotion, like an insane. When world goes like this, difficulties will run away. And when one’s assigned Karma is over, the body falls down. Seeing the Brahma rising, the life rush towards it. While going on Truth, don’t worry about anything, but listen to the greatness of Lord’s name, Listen to the greatness of Lord’s name!
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!
Let one be the low caste or the high caste in the way of Vedas ie Brahmin, if not born as dumb , utter once in any day ,just one among the innumerous names of the Lord-whether it be when you sit freely, or unknowingly in your dreams, or considering it as something else in fun, or even for somebody else.
O Krishna, Krishna, Mukunda,Janardana, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, O Hari, O Achyuthananda Govinda Madhava Sachchidananda Narayana O Hari!
Let one be in any place, if he utter this with his tongue, or if not,hear this with his ear one time in any day, his life has become fruitful and he will get salvation. This is mentioned by the teacher Shridharaacharya(a character in Hindu mythology), Badarayana(Vyasa, author of Mahabharata), Geetha(The holy bhagavat Gita) and the Vedas.
Chant happily His names to join happily in Brahma. This is required only if you have will for it. This is the greatness of His name. O Lord! Though this is wrong or not wrong, please express yourself! Please express yourself! Krishna! O Lord! Krishna!
Victory to Narayana!
Victory to Narayana !
Victory to Narayana!
Victory to Narayana!
Victory to Narayana!
Victory to Narayana!
Victory to Narayana!
Victory to Narayana!
Victory to Narayana!
Victory to Narayana!
Victory to Narayana!..................................
|| Jaya GuruDeva ||

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