Thursday 10 October 2013

Durgapooja in Bengal. Rituals and their significance.

The essence of the most important religious festival in Bengal..
Durgapooja is far beyond just the rituals or religious acts we perform. When we worship the holy mother - it gives us some hidden meaning behind those rituals. It is the inner journey allowing the qualities of the mother divine to blossom within us what we all should know.

In this para the major part of the holy pooja process , what we get to see in Bengal is described. We know what is mahalaya. This day we offer our gratitude to our ancestors which we call "tarpan" also invite the Divine mother to stay with us fr the next nine days during devipaksh.
We sing "agomony gaan",do kalashsthapna on shasthi eve along with a "beldaal"- branch of bilwa tree where we invite mother to come n stay.There is an important ritual on Saptamy called "kala bou snan" in which we take a banyan tree n we decorate it as a married women n we place it at the left of Ganesha ,Devi idol is then given with the special eyes by purohits called "chakshudaan",we do Chandipaath during the 3 days of Saptami upto Navami,we offer pooja n homas, perform Aarti,give Puspanjaali.
108 lights on Sandhikshan we offer,108 lotuses are offered by us to the devi.n on sandhikshan we sacrifice - that is called "balidaan" in bengali where a sugarcane stick or any vegetable specially a skanda or white pumkin is cut with a single stroke as offering to the devi.On navami day we perform a special homa called "Mahanavami Homa".
On Vijaya Dasami we release the tie of the thread what was tied on the kalasa and we see ma's charana on water or on a "darpan"-mirror.We celebrate offering sindoor,the women then touch the holy mother's idol and feed her sweets and pan and before emersion the money they gives in the anchal pallu of the mothers idol n then the idol's visharjan takes place.Then prior to devi idol visharjan the women put sindoor on each others fore-head that is called "sindoor-khela".Now what are the inner meaning of these rituals ? 

Everyone among us like the holy mantra chanting/ durga-saptasathi paath n prayers during pooja.Early morning on Mahalaya day at 4am it is very common in Bengal that every home wakes up with Chandi Paath in the known voice of Late Sri Virendra Krishna Bhadra. How we and our mind is soo much connected with the chanting of Sri Chandi ?? "Aaigiri nandini nandita medini viswa vinodini sailasute..." it gives yu immidiate goosebumps... have yu ever felt that ?? This is what we call vibration of chanting in our body And if your body which is  heavy and gross could hav been this much shaken- what about your spirit !!! which is thousand times more light and subtler than your this body ?? Durgapooja,navaratri is allowing that spirit to merge with these eternal vibration, d inner power-shakti-what we named as holy "mother".

Behind every rituals a deeper meaning hides.When we do upa/vaas, it doesnot mean just to observe fast, to keep hunger in the mind and the mind is hankering on " Oh!when the time will come i shall be allowed to take food :-) " Upa means close and vaas means living. Upavas means to live close. To whom? To the self,to what we really are.Living close to that ethereal energy within us.The ethereal power.

If we see d idol closely, with the durga pratima we see Mahishasura. Who is mahishasur ? Our own innertia. As per the ayurveda and yoga, there are 3 aspects or gunn in all of us. Tamas (tamogunn),rajas (rajogunn) and Sattva (the pure n blossomed conciousness).

All of us sometimes feel so much innertness within. Like we are not willing to leave the bed, feeling sleepy during working hours, our mind cannot be 100% aware at the present moment i.e. lack of attention.Centre of our attention is only our body. We feel so much heaviness in mind.these are called tamas. The first three days of navaratri we observe these tamogunns, accept and surrender to the divinity with prayers.
Second three days are fr rajogunn. Mind and its tendencies being rajasik.Tendency to rule,to dominate,to enjoy the power.To possess. There is sooo much passion within.To work To possess To achieve.And There is so much ego in all of us. wherever there is ego - the spiritual progress stops.We stuck up somewhere and cannot move ahead.Ego,avertion these are nothing but the barrier, like a rigid brick wall making a barrier between us n the ppl. at home,at working place,where ever we go - if the ego is there -ppl will not feel being at ease in your presence.Ego will overpower your qualities of being lakshmi. Overpower your love,your compassion fr others.Second three days are to observe these tendencies within us and to surrender to d mother divine with prayers.
Third three days are fr sattva Quality of bak devi-Saraswati-The pure conciousness. we celebrate these days with singing,dancing, fullest to our life energy. Our mind is associated with celebration of what we really are.The pure us.

Still we cannot live only with sattva.Not possible to be in that sattva state fr one forever.Tamas sometimes dominates n rajas is weather push us towards Tamas or to Sattva. Rajogunn acts like a silent catalist at per how we control it,how we move towards the chosen state willfully.We identify all these three states of conciousness and honour n surrender all three to the supreme godess n to her will. We pray " may your will work. May yu be the guide during  my walk.May i be able to stay in such a state where i ll not be dominated with any of these three gunnas alone. Let the devilish quality within me is being cared by the cosmic power. And then we celebrate the victory of our that big mind over our small mind.

Avahan of Devi on a bilwa-branch signifies the ability of devi to sit at a time upon the "throne and thorns".Life is not made of the flower petals. Life has both its negetive n positive approaches. To win over negetivity or negetive appoaches upon mind by the events we pass through is represented by this "bilwa branch. 

"Kalabou" or bride made of a banyan tree reminds us the quality within every woman to be useful n serving whole heartedly as the banyan tree n fruit has numerous positive n nutritive benefits.

The "Chakshudaan" of devi idol on maha saptami morning represents our own inner eye with the ability to see the true nature within us.

"Kalashstapna" is to hold the mind n the life energy at its awakened n pure sattva(blossomed) state of conciousness. 

Sandhikshan repesents the moment on which the negetivities in us is killed by the divine mother. We do sacrifice at this time surrendering negetivities n to invoke positivity within us. Agni gives purity burning all the impurities.So we perform Homa.

On Vijaya Dasami day we see the devi charana in water so that we know that the divine mother has blessed us with every positive qualities within us n she is not just in the idol she is here,within, now.Let every mother every women n men go to their own own place with this awakened n blossomed state of energy to be useful fr the society.
Vijaya Dasami is the celebration of the fully blossomed state of conciousness.Celebration of all the devigunns altogether is called "vijaya dasami". and we play putting sindoor or red kumkum upon our forehead as the sign of victory. 

We immerse idol into water. Which symbolize honouring these three gunnas within us by performing puja and afterward surrender all these into the holy water... back - to the divinity.

Jai Ma !!

( Pic during Homa at Orbit Skyview , our home in Kolkata )

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