Thursday 27 February 2014

Shivaratri : Prasida Prasida Prabho Poornaroope

1."Pashunaam patim paapa naasham paresham,
Gajendrasya krittim vasaanam varenyam,
jataa jata madhye sphurad Gangavari
Mahaadevamekam smaraami smaraami."

[I contemplate upon that Supreme-Lord (Mahadeva), who is the Master of all living beings (Jivas), the annihilator of sins; great among Gods; adorable; wearer of the hide of the elephant bodied demon (Gajasura); and carrier of the foaming Ganga on his matted hair.(After slaying the elephant bodied demon Gajasura, Lord Siva tore its body and wore its hide on his person and danced in ecstasy over His victory. He is thus referred to as the wearer of Gajendra’s skin). ]

2."Mahesham Suresham suraaraati naasham
vibhum Vishwanaatham vibhootyanga bhoosham,
Viroopaaksham indvarka vahnitri netram,
sadaananda meede prabhum pancha vaktram."

[Praises unto Almighty God (Maheshwara), who is the lord of divinities; destroyer of the demons; Omnipotent; lord of the universe; whose body is bedecked with the jewels of the sacred ash; who has three unique eyes constituted of the moon, sun and fire; who is the lord of creation; ever-blissful; adorable; and is five-faced. ]

3."Gireesham Ganesham galay neelavarnam
Gavendraadi roodham, gunaateeta roopam,
Bhavam bhaasvaram bhasmana bhooshitaangam,
Bhavaani kalatram bhaja panchavaktram."

[I worship the lord of Kailash Mountain; who is the lord of the godheads; whose neck is bluish; who rides on the king of bulls; who is beyond form; who is the prime cause (of all causes); who is effulgent; whose body shines with the jewels of the sacred ash; who is wedded to Bhavani; and who is five faced.]

4."Shivaakaant Shambho shashaankaardh moule,
Maheshaan shaktin jataajoota dhaarin,
tvameko jagad vyaapako vishwa roopa
praseeda praseeda prabho poorna roopa."

[O Beloved of Gauri! Bestower of auspiciousness; Carrier of the crescent moon on the head; Lord of the universe; Holder of the Trident; wearer of the matted hair; You are One (non-dual, means no one is equal to Him); O All-pervading embodiment of the universe! Be pleased, be pleased.]

5."Paraatmaanam ekam jagat beejam aadyam
nireeham niraakaram omkaara vedyam,
Yato jaayate paalyate yena vishwam
tameesham bhaje leeyate yatra vishwam."

[Adorations to that Supreme-spirit, who is One (none is equal or alternative to Him); Who is the seed of the universe (means, the entire universe is born out of Him); Who is Ancient; Who is desireless (having no desires or ambitions); Who is Formless (having no Form or attributes by which to recognize); However, He can be realized by means of Omkara (by constantly contemplating on His sacred name, Om); and He is that Supreme being by whom this world is protected and in whom it gets dissolved.]

6."Na bhoomir na chaapo na vahnir na vaayur
na chakashamaaste na tandra na nidra,
na choshnam, na sheetam na desho na vesho,
na yatraasti moortih trimoorti tameede."

[I adore that Triune God* who is beyond the elements of earth, water, fire, air or ether; for whom there is neither sluggishness, nor sleep; whom neither heat nor cold ever affects; and who belongs neither to any country nor have any guise or appearance (by which to recognize) .
"Triune God = Lord Siva is so called, as he combines in Himself the attributes of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara (Creator, Sustainer and Dissolver, respectively). ]

7."Ajam shaashvatam kaaranam kaaranaanaam 
Shivam kevalam bhaasakam bhaasakaanaam,
Tureeyam tamah paaram aadyanta heenam, 
prapadye param paavanam dwatta heenam."

[Give me refuge O Siva ! O the unborn and eternal one; You are the cause of all causes; all-exclusive; lighter of all the lights; the Supreme spirit; devoid of beginning and end; the first and foremost; pure and non-dual. ]

8."Namaste namaste vibho vishva moorte,
namaste namaste chidaanand murte,
namaste namaste tapo yoga gamya,
namaste namaste shruti gnaana gamya."

[Prostrations prostrations unto thee, O All pervading Lord ! O Embodiment of the universe! O consciousness-bliss. Repeated prostrations unto Thee, who dwells in the thoughts of the Yogis, and Who can be realized by the superior knowledge of the Veda]

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