Thursday 15 May 2014

16 may : the nation is praying ...

Today is the most awaited day fr the indian youth and fr the whole nation, when all are eagerly waiting to see their dream comes true.
A dream to see Ma Bharati as the most prosperous country in hand of the most efficient leader Sri Narendra Modi ji.
Yesterday a good friend n a strong supporter of future PM of India has requested to pray, fr Modiji n the nation, during my morning pooja i used to do everyday during ushakaal.
Was praying since long n has Prayed today too... Let the best happen.
Let the prosperity health n wealth comes in abundance to the country and all its citizens...

Here are the sanskrit verses from rigveda, a traditional morning prayer fr all.

"Aum pratar agnim pratar indram havamahe
pratar mitravaruna pratar asvina
pratar bhagam pusanam brahmanaspatim
pratah somam uta rudram huvema

pratarjitam bhagam ugram huvema vayam putram aditer yo vidharta
adhras cidyam manyamanas turascid raja cid yam bhagam bhaksityaha

bhaga pranetar bhaga satyaradho bhagemam dhiyam udava dadan nah
bhaga pra no janaya gobhir asvair bhaga pra nrbhir nrvantah syama

utedanim bhagavantah syama uta prapitva uta madhye ahnam
utodita maghavan suryasya vayam devanam sumatau syama

bhaga eva bhagavan astu devas tena vayam bhagavantah syama
tam tva bhaga sarva ij johaviti sa no bhaga pura eta bhaveha"
Om Shanti Shanti Shantih !!

This is a traditional morning mantra from the Rg Veda which means :
We invoke the following divine aspects of the Supreme Brahman known to us as Agni, Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Ashwins, Bhaga, Pushana, Brahmaspati, Soma & Rudra. We meditate upon your supreme cosmic energy at Usha,Dawn,the Goddess of prosperity & health.

We invoke Kubera the Lord of wealth, the sone of Aditi & the one who supports the entire Cosmos through his Divine energy who bestows health & wealth on the poor & needy.

We meditate on the Lord of Wealth as you are truly beneficient & please guide us daily. May you protect us by bestowing great intellect upon us so that we may have the courage to distinguish between right & wrong, may you guide us through darkness of ingnorance; may you make us wealthy by giving us foodgrains in the form of rains, may you enrich us with healthy progeny, may you enrich us with cows with abundant milk,may you enrich us with great strength & plenty of horses to till our lands for abundant food grains.

We invoke the Lord of Wealth, let us be prosperous throughout the day & night; may you always grant your kind protection upon us & our families & country; we invoke you for protection & your benevolence always throughout our lives.

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