Saturday 9 May 2015

( 48 ) * Kobitay Chandogya Upanishad * (Part 6 , Chapters 3 and 4)

॥ षष्ठोऽध्यायः ॥

॥ तृतीयः खण्डः ॥

तेषां खल्वेषां भूतानां त्रीण्येव बीजानि भवन्त्याण्डजं जीवजमुद्भिज्जमिति ॥ १ ॥
सेयं देवतैक्षत हन्ताहमिमास्तिस्रो देवता अनेन जीवेनात्मनानुप्रविश्य नामरूपे व्याकरवाणीति ॥ २ ॥
तासां त्रिवृतं त्रिवृतमेकैकां करवाणीति सेयं देवतेमास्तिस्रो देवता अनेनैव जीवेनात्मनानुप्रविश्य नामरूपे व्याकरोत् ॥ ३ ॥
तासां त्रिवृतं त्रिवृतमेकैकामकरोद्यथा तु खलु सोम्येमास्तिस्रो देवतास्त्रिवृत्त्रिवृदेकैका भवति तन्मे विजानीहीति ॥ ४ ॥

|| ষষ্ঠ অধ্যায় ||
|| তৃতীয় খন্ড ||
(১) এবার জানবে কেমনে জীব হয়েছিল সৃজ ,
যা আসে এ তিনের এক হতে - অন্ড , জীবাত্মা বা বীজ !!

(২) দেব ভাবিলেন ত্রিদেব হইব এ জীবাত্মা উপকরণে ,
বিভক্ত হইতে হইতে আসিব নাম রূপ সৃজনে ,,

(৩) প্রতিরে ত্রিধায় আনিব ইহাই ভাবি দেব নিজ মনে ,
প্রবেশিলেন সবে নাম রূপ দিতে জীবাত্মার মাধ্যমে !! 

(৪) মুখ্য আত্মা হতে ত্রিদেব কেমনে হইলেন ত্রিবিধ তত্ত্ব ,
সুন এ সৃষ্টি কেমনে হইল নাম-রূপ-ত্রিধা বিভক্ত .....

Part 6 
Chapter 3
(The development )

(1) "Of all these living beings, there are only three origins (a) those born from eggs,(b) those born from living beings and (c)those born from sprouts.

(2) "That Deity thought: ‘Let Me now enter into those three deities by means of this living self and let Me then develop names and forms.’

(3) "That Deity, having thought, ‘Let Me make each of these three tripartite,’ entered into these three deities by means of the living self and developed names and the forms.

(4) "It made each of these tripartite; and how each of these three deities became tripartite, learn from me that now, my dear....

॥ षष्ठोऽध्यायः ॥

॥ चतुर्थः खण्डः ॥

यदग्ने रोहितँरूपं तेजसस्तद्रूपं यच्छुक्लं तदपां यत्कृष्णं तदन्नस्यापागादग्नेरग्नित्वं वाचारम्भणं विकारो नामधेयं त्रीणि रूपाणीत्येव सत्यम् ॥ १ ॥
यदादित्यस्य रोहितँरूपं तेजसस्तद्रूपं यच्छुक्लं तदपां यत्कृष्णं तदन्नस्यापागादादित्यादादित्यत्वं वाचारम्भणं विकारो नामधेयं त्रीणि रूपाणीत्येव सत्यम् ॥ २ ॥
यच्छन्द्रमसो रोहितँरूपं तेजसस्तद्रूपं यच्छुक्लं तदपां यत्कृष्णं तदन्नस्यापागाच्चन्द्राच्चन्द्रत्वं वाचारम्भणं विकारो नामधेयं त्रीणि रूपाणीत्येव सत्यम् ॥ ३ ॥
यद्विद्युतो रोहितँरूपं तेजसस्तद्रूपं यच्छुक्लं तदपां यत्कृष्णं तदन्नस्यापागाद्विद्युतो विद्युत्त्वं वाचारम्भणं विकारो नामधेयं त्रीणि रूपाणीत्येव सत्यम् ॥ ४ ॥
एतद्ध स्म वै तद्विद्वाँस आहुः पूर्वे महाशाला महाश्रोत्रिया न नोऽद्य कश्चनाश्रुतममतमविज्ञातमुदाहरिष्यतीति ह्येभ्यो विदाञ्चक्रुः ॥ ५ ॥
यदु रोहितमिवाभूदिति तेजसस्तद्रूपमिति तद्विदाञ्चक्रुर्यदु शुक्लमिवाभूदित्यपाँरूपमिति तद्विदाञ्चक्रुर्यदु कृष्णमिवाभूदित्यन्नस्य रूपमिति तद्विदाञ्चक्रुः ॥ ६ ॥
यद्वविज्ञातमिवाभूदित्येतासामेव देवतानाँसमास इति तद्विदाञ्चक्रुर्यथा नु खलु सोम्येमास्तिस्रो देवताः पुरुषं प्राप्य त्रिवृत्त्रिवृदेकैका भवति तन्मे विजानीहीति ॥ ७ ॥

|| ষষ্ঠ অধ্যায়  ||
|| চতুর্থ খন্ড ||
(১) অগ্নির রক্তিমাভা স্থুলাগ্নির রং হয় ,
শ্বেতাভ জলের বর্ণ , কালিখবরণ ভূমির হয় !! 
অগ্নির নাম যত হলো গত এইরূপে এইবার ,
বাকের ফেরে নামের সৃজন ত্রিবর্ণ সত্য তার !! 

(2) রক্তিমবর্ণ সূর্যের অগ্নির রং হয়,
শ্বেতকিরণ জলের রং তা জেনো নিশ্চয় ,
পৃথিবীর রং কালিখবরণ কিরণ যখন কালো ,
এমনে সূর্য - নাম মিটিল রইলো রঙিন আলো !!
পরিবর্তন নামের কেবল বাক হতে যা আসে ,
নাম মিটিলেই সত্যের রূপ তিনতত্ত্ব আভাসে !! 

(৩) চন্দ্রের লাল বর্ণ অগ্নির বরণ হয় ,
শ্বেত কিরণ জলের , কালিমা ভূমির বর্ণ হয় !!
বাক্যের ফেরে নাম আসে তাই এত রকমফের ,,
সত্য সেই ত্রিবর্ণ বাকি সবই যে হেরফের !!

(৪) এরূপে বজ্রের লাল- অগ্নির বরণ ,
সাদা জলের আর কালো ভূমির সে রং !!
পরিবর্তন নামের, নাম বজ্র হতে মিটলে পরে ,,
বাকপরি সত্য ভাসে - ত্রিবর্ণ হৃদয় অভ্যন্তরে !! 

(৫) তাই যত বেদমনীষী আর মহান গৃহী প্রাচীনকালে,
বলিয়াছিলেন - "সব শোনা জানা চিন্তনে সবই আছে জানা জেনো সকলে !!
এমন কিছু নাই শোনাবার যাহা মোদের জানা নাই "...
এ ত্রিতত্তের জ্ঞানের বলে কহিয়াছিলেন সবে তাই !! 

(৬/৭) যেথা যত লাল তারে ধরিয়া অগ্নিবরণ জ্ঞানে ,
শ্বেতে বারি - ভূমির বর্ণ যত কালিমাবরণে !!
ত্রিবর্নের সংযোগ এই ধরিয়া যত অজানায় ,,
নামরুপি জগত তাঁহারা জানিলেন ত্রিধায় !!

এ ত্রিদেবই মনুষ্যে আসিয়া ত্রি করিলেন বন্টন !!
তাঁহাদের দ্বারা ত্রিধা পাইলো যত মনুষ্যগণ ......

Part 6
Chapter 4
(The Threefold Development)

(1) "The red colour of gross fire is the colour of the original fire; the white colour of gross fire is the colour of the original water; the black colour of gross fire is the colour of the original earth. Thus vanishes from fire what is commonly called 'fire' , the modification being only a name, arising from speech, while the three colours (forms) alone are true.

(2) "The red colour of the sun is the colour of fire, the white the colour of water, the black the colour of earth. Thus vanishes from the sun what is commonly called the sun, the modification being only a name, arising from speech, while the three colours alone are true.

(3) "The red colour of the moon is the colour of fire, the white the colour of water, the black the colour of earth. Thus vanishes from the moon what is commonly called the moon, the modification being only a name, arising from speech, while the three colours alone are true.

(4) "The red colour of lightning is the colour of fire, the white the colour of water, the black the colour of earth. Thus vanishes from lightning what is commonly called lighting, the modification being only a name, arising from speech, while the three colours alone are true. 

(5) "It was just through this knowledge that the great householders and great Vedic scholars of olden times declared- ‘No one can now mention to us anything which we have not heard, thought of, or known.’ They knew all from these three forms.

(6-7) "Whatever, appeared red they knew to be the colour of fire,, whatever appeared white they knew to be the colour of water,, whatever appeared black they knew to be the colour of earth.

"Whatever appeared to be unknown they knew to be the combination of these three deities (i.e. the colours). Now learn from me, my dear, how,, these three deities, when they reach man, become each of them tripartite.

{ this development process was beautifully described by ♡Shivananda Swamiji ....part from His discourse is given below :

The being thought: 'Well, may I enter into all these three things with this living self (Jivatma). Let me appear under different names and forms.'He made each of these tripartite.
The red colour of the sun is the colour of fire. The white colour of water. The black of the earth. Thus vanishes what we call the sun, being only a modification which is a mere name based upon words, the only truth being that there are three elements. So are moon, lightning, fire, etc., mere combinations of these elements.

Knowing this the ancient knowers of the Vedas, knew all. For everything is just these three things alone. Whatever appeared red, they knew it to be the colour of fire. Whatever appeared white, they knew it to be the colour of water. Whatever appeared black, they knew it to be the colour of earth and, Whatever appeared to be unknown, they knew it to be a combination of these three.

Now learn from me how those three Devatas, when they reach man, become each of them tripartite. } 

[ Pic courtesy : pic no 2 : national geographic ]

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