Thursday 30 October 2014

Silence : Meditate on the 'mind' as 'Brahman'

(Excerpt from a talk by Swami Shivanandaji)

" Speech is the fourth ' foot ' of Mind-BRAHMAN , because it is by means of the ' foot ' of speech that the mind approaches the denotable objects .Therefore speech is like a foot of mind.
In the same manner , nose is a ' foot ' , because it is through nose that the mind approaches objects of smell . Similarly , the eye is a ' foot ' and the ear is another ' foot ' .... This constitutes the four-footed character of the Mind-BRAHMAN " . (Part 3 : Ch - 18 )

Why to keep SILENCE :
Miscellaneous talking distracts our mind and keeps it outward . Therefore A vow of silence must be practised at regular interval. Much energy is wasted in talking .The organ of speech seriously distracts the mind... We have to control this big source of disturbance in order to rest in peace .We shouldnt allow anything to come out from the mind through the organ of speech ....

By Observing silence the speech energy becomes transmuted 'Ojas' i.e. the spiritual energy. As a result Sankalpas become much decreased and becomes stronger . Our 'Vak' too becomes powerful. When we talk ppl value them.

!! Meditate on mind as *Brahman* !!

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