Sunday 15 February 2015

(4) Avadhuta Gita || অবধূত গীতা || *SHIVOHAM*

|| अवधूत गीता ||   
|| प्रथमोऽध्यायः || 

नाहं तत्त्वं समं तत्त्वं कल्पनाहेतुवर्जितम् ।
ग्राह्यग्राहकनिर्मुक्तं स्वसंवेद्यं कथं भवेत् ।। २८।।

अनन्तरूपं न हि वस्तु किंचि-त्तत्त्वस्वरूपं न हि वस्तु किंचित् ।
आत्मैकरूपं परमार्थतत्त्वंṁन हिंसको वापि न चाप्यहिंसा ।। २९।।

विशुद्धोऽसि समं तत्त्वं विदेहमजमव्ययम् ।
विभ्रमं कथमात्मार्थे विभ्रान्तोऽहं कथं पुनः ।। ३०।।

घटाकाशं सुलीनं भेदवर्जितम् ।
शिवेन मनसा शुद्धो न भेदः प्रतिभाति मे ।। ३१।।

' SHIVOHAM ' ~ "I Am Shiva"
So beautiful !! The highest possible beauty is in this only.... not only Shivtattva is there within - but I AM that whole....
Any scripture yu read , any sermon is given , there yu find this ultimate truth * I AM THAT though i dont know what is that * . I need not know, Beyond knowing and the knower is He - and that purusha i AM ...... Where would stay that desire then, even the desire to know myself ??

No vessel no space anymore within the vessel.... no pot to hold the perception to differentiate between inside and slayer or the slain,, no two, no velocity, no desire for the union. Space merged in infinite space . Mind with its purest intellect melted in the Supreme reality itself. Nothingness is full in contentment - O lord , I AM !! Whatever is - is this Atman only.

Starting frm there where i hav stopped translating the following verse no 27 where He sings  ~
"I know not Shiva1, How can I speak of Him ? 
Who Shiva is I know not, How can I worship Him ".  No subject no object, nothing is relative or absolute. The highest possible bliss in oneself is Shiva. Where no knower no knowledge no knowing exists.... Who n How one can worship another form which is imaginery ??

'Brahman' and 'Shiv' is not two : They are One with ATMAN.... Absolute, Purest. What is there to realize when He is me n I am He. Me seizes, He seizes...what remains is 
♡ Shiva ♡

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