Tuesday 29 July 2014

Celebacy : A myth or Mantra ?

Day before yesterday got to see few blogs as searchbox result on Google while searching about spiritual leaders.
In one of those blogs they hav discussed about one or two most influencial spiritual leaders and on authenticity of their 'walk the talk' on 'celebacy' .
Though their intention of writting those blogs were not good , but certain lines were
interesting. I shall quote them here.

"Addressing the issue, the lack of transparency, the concepts created a weird world of horny but repressed individuals that express it, eventually, in the form of aggression or dissociation, lies, taking many cold showers, doing excessive meditations, and promiscuity."

#Addressing the issue and
#Lack of transparency these two points were important .

I am married,living happily with family, hav child and Practising 'bramhcharya' with respectful support of my entire family fr past few years, there i find myself eligible to discuss on this very topic. Felt that there is a need to speak on this as i hav seen ( interacting on spiritual platform ) that there are so many ppl suffering frm misconception on this very topic. Few even dont know this theory properly and disrespect them who are on the path. Few,try to adopt in order to gain respect being counted in the sacred sect n often misguided n fall prey of frauds.

First of all there are no easy guideline fr the common sadhaks who wish to walk this path. As if, They  are not being considered to attain that level.
Secondly, if they are able to find the guidelines frm the scriptures or frm lectures n wish to practice,, as the msg are not very transparent, they are often misguided by the via-persons ,ruined, making their life hell.
Or some, without preparing the mind fr that, as simply instructed to follow this, get an ambition in their heart to establish him/her as a member of the Holy Group, and merely face more difficulty.
Fr them,it is like being vegetarian with a hidden greed to hav Non-Veg food.
Hav seen and heard about many, who preach and show outside they are vegetarians and at several occassion in their home, specially in the season of Hilsa Fish (as monsoon is the season;) , they enjoy with all their taste-buds.That is sin !! Even Ramakrishna Paramhansa had instructed the sanyasis to hav non-vegetarian food until there is dispassion about the non-veg food in their heart.
Honesty and transparency required on this very issue. Noone could impart anything upon anyone without giving proper guidance . If they are misguided , that would bring a social disaster. They, who can really guide , hav no time to find out who is willing and eligible. And they, and those guides who r within d reach, i hav doubt their
eligiblity (question mark) fr the same and in most of the cases they fraud and seduce the innocent boys and girls...

I have read Swami Vivekananda too hav experienced these kind of nuisense in a mutt while He was travelling in southern india. That is mentioned in one of the book about His Bhraman Katha by the mission.He immediately left the place.

Here, in this blog with a very clear msg of bramhcharya i would like to share and to alert ppl at a time.

Ramakrishna too has preached and practised "celebacy". Patanjali in His yogasutra and later Swami Vivekananda had explained further this path of preserving energy.

1.Fr students since their puberty upto 20/21 years, until they become adult, the period should be strictly under discipline fr NOT making any sexual relation to anyone.
2.Fr a seeker, who truly wish to attain GOD , they should follow bramhcharya. Anytime in your lifetime fr a certain period or fr lifelong yu may practise this. The prana would be High, and yu will be full of positive n creative energy and out of negetivity. Preservation of sexual energy n drawing your senses frm there would lead your kundalini go upward. This preserved energy is the source of attraction. Nature itself would be attracted towards yu.
3. In the name of awakening your kundalini , to relieve yu frm sexual tention or something...
If Anyone, I repeat IF ANYONE touches yu ,, come out and report it as sexual abuse. Even if your spiritual teacher of the same sex touches yu in objectable manner, know that they are pervert, THERE IS NO SUCH PRESCRIBED ACTIVITY IN ORDER TO RISE THE ENERGY IN ANY OF OUR SCRIPTURES.
4. For married ppl - Monogamy is prescribed. Dont involve in any sexual talk, act , or fall under provocation with anyone. This is sanyama.
Like that veg n non-veg issue i hav written, Unless n until your mind is dispassionate about making physical love, go fr it. But with your legal husband or wife only.
5. When there is either dispassion fr that one partner, or love fr the almighty will menifest,, automatically the sexual urges would go down... It is quite natural. Ask any husband-wife of these days,, wothin 10-15 years of their marriege n having 1/2 children they mostly live like brother sisters. We live in India hence the same was preached by many saints "after having 1/2 children try to live like own brother-sister".
6. Involve yourself in creativity. Becoming creative yu overcome lust.
7. Very recently i hav seen a friend and A 'to-be-swami' got married and i was extremely happy to welcome His this decision. Marriage is not a crime, nor the sex. Dont even try to do such absurd practice fr lifelong if your whole heart, your conciousness is not hankering crying to know the highest power within. Being a married man too yu can attain God....in a more relaxed way.
8. Keep your door latch unlocked :-) Yu might hav been heard about Bhagvan Ramana Maharshi. There was no privacy in HIS life. He used to sleep in open room, share His food with all. He walked Brahman _/\_ He was one with Brahman. One of the example of living as ' not just a body' .
9.With regular sadhna, dhyana and doing seva yu can definitely reach the state. Seva doesnot mean to go to a particular sector but if your nature is seva yu shall be able to do that effortlessly.
10. The strong faith upon thyself n God is the way. Chant Gayatri everyday. Pray to the almighty to show yu the truth. Pray fr the Highest conciousness. However dark is the cloud - The Truth would be revealed to yu <3

And fr the Guides - - Maintain It !!