Thursday 30 October 2014

Silence : Meditate on the 'mind' as 'Brahman'

(Excerpt from a talk by Swami Shivanandaji)

" Speech is the fourth ' foot ' of Mind-BRAHMAN , because it is by means of the ' foot ' of speech that the mind approaches the denotable objects .Therefore speech is like a foot of mind.
In the same manner , nose is a ' foot ' , because it is through nose that the mind approaches objects of smell . Similarly , the eye is a ' foot ' and the ear is another ' foot ' .... This constitutes the four-footed character of the Mind-BRAHMAN " . (Part 3 : Ch - 18 )

Why to keep SILENCE :
Miscellaneous talking distracts our mind and keeps it outward . Therefore A vow of silence must be practised at regular interval. Much energy is wasted in talking .The organ of speech seriously distracts the mind... We have to control this big source of disturbance in order to rest in peace .We shouldnt allow anything to come out from the mind through the organ of speech ....

By Observing silence the speech energy becomes transmuted 'Ojas' i.e. the spiritual energy. As a result Sankalpas become much decreased and becomes stronger . Our 'Vak' too becomes powerful. When we talk ppl value them.

!! Meditate on mind as *Brahman* !!

Monday 27 October 2014

(23) *Kobitay Chandogya Upanishad (Part 3, ch 18-19 )

॥ तृतीयॊऽध्यायः ॥
॥ अष्टादशः खण्डः ॥

मनो ब्रह्मेत्युपासीतेत्यध्यात्ममथाधिदैवतमाकाशो ब्रह्मेत्युभयमादिष्टं भवत्यध्यात्मं चाधिदैवतं च ॥ १ ॥
तदेतच्चतुष्पाद्ब्रह्म वाक्पादः प्राणः पादश्चक्षुः पादः श्रोत्रं पाद इत्यध्यात्ममथाधिदैवतमग्निः पादो वायुः पाद अदित्यः पादो दिशः पाद इत्युभयमेवादिष्टं भवत्यध्यात्मं चैवाधिदैवतं च ॥ २ ॥
वागेव ब्रह्मणश्चतुर्थः पादः सोऽग्निना ज्योतिषा भाति च तपति च भाति च तपति च कीर्त्या यशसा ब्रह्मवर्चसेन य एवं वेद ॥ ३ ॥
प्राण एव ब्रह्मणश्चतुर्थः पादः स वायुना ज्योतिषा भाति च तपति च भाति च तपति च कीर्त्या यशसा ब्रह्मवर्चसेन य एवं वेद ॥ ४ ॥
चक्षुरेव ब्रह्मणश्चतुर्थः पादः स आदित्येन ज्योतिषा भाति च तपति च भाति च तपति च कीर्त्या यशसा ब्रह्मवर्चसेन य एवं वेद ॥ ५ ॥
श्रोत्रमेव ब्रह्मणश्चतुर्थः पादः स दिग्भिर्ज्योतिषा भाति च तपति च भाति च तपति च कीर्त्या यशसा ब्रह्मवर्चसेन य एवं वेद य एवं वेद ॥ ६ ॥

Part Three
Chapter 18
[ The Mind and the Akasa as Symbols of Brahman]
One should meditate on the mind as Brahman (it is to said with reference to the body). One should meditate on the akasa as Brahman(this is to said with reference to the gods).
Thus both, the meditation with reference to the body and the meditation with reference to the gods are being taught.That Brahman has four feet (quarters).
Speech is one foot, the prana (the nose) is another foot, the eye is one foot and the ear is one foot—this is to said with reference to the body. Now with reference to the gods: Agni (fire) is one foot, Vayu (air) is one foot, Aditya (the sun) is one foot and the quarters (disahs) are one foot.This is the twofold meditation with reference to the body and with reference to the gods.Speech is, indeed, a fourth foot (quarter) of Brahman of which the mind is a symbol. It shines with the light of fire. He who knows this shines and warms with fame, with renown and with the radiance of Brahman.Prana (the nose) is, indeed, a fourth foot of Brahman. It shines and warms with the light of the air. He who knows this shines and warms with fame, with renown and with the radiance of Brahman.The eye, indeed, is a fourth foot of Brahman. It shines and warms with the light of the sun. He who knows this shines and warms with fame, with renown and with the radiance of Brahman.
The ear, indeed, is a fourth foot of Brahman. It shines and warms with the light of the quarters. With fame, with renown and with the radiance of Brahman he shines and warms who knows this, yes !! Who knows this.

|| তৃতীয় অধ্যায়  ||
|| অষ্টাদশ খন্ড  ||
শ্রেয় সবার শরীরসম্বন্ধীয়তায় মনের উপর ধ্যান ধরা ,
আবার ইশ্বরসম্বন্ধে , ব্রহ্ম জেনে - আকাশে ধ্যান ধরা ||
এ দুই প্রকারের ধ্যান হয় যে ধ্যান-বিদ্যার গোড়া,,

ব্রহ্ম থাকেন জেনো যে মোট চার পদ-অঙ্গে জোড়া ||
বাক্য যে হয় একপদ তাঁর আর প্রান হয় দ্বিতীয় ,
কান চতুর্থ ভাগ তাঁর আর চক্ষু হয় তৃতীয় ||

এ তো গেল শরীরের তুলনা এবার এস জানি ,,
দেবগনে কেমনে ধ্যানে ধরেন কোনো জ্ঞানী ||

অগ্নি হন একপদ তাঁর , বায়ু যে আরেক ,,
আদিত্য, যিনি হন অপর - দিশা অপর এক ||

বাক্য ব্রহ্মের অঙ্গ যে এক- চিহ্ন তাহার 'মন ,,
অগ্নির আলোকে উজ্বল -স্বর্ণগোলক যেমন ||

যিনি এ জ্ঞানে জ্ঞানী উজ্বল তিনি হন ,
যশ-আলোকে আলোকিত ,ব্রহ্মদীপ্তিতে দীপ্ত রন ||

প্রান (নাসিকা ) চতুরঙ্গের আরেক অঙ্গরূপী,
বায়ুতে দীপ্ত প্রজ্জলিত এ প্রান শক্তিরূপী ||

যিনি জানেন এ প্রান, বায়ু,, তিনি যশে যোশী ,,
উত্তপ্ত প্রানালোকে-  যেন উজ্বল ব্রহ্মশশী ||

চক্ষু অপর ভাগ চতুর্থের - এও আরেক ব্রহ্মাঙ্গ ,,
তপ্ত দীপ্ত সূর্যকিরণে - জ্ঞানীর এ দৃষ্টিরুপি অঙ্গ ||

কর্ণ ব্রহ্মের আরেক অঙ্গ - দিকের আলোয় উজ্জ্বল ,,
এ জ্ঞানের জ্ঞানী যশস্বী তিনি করেন যে জ্বলজ্বল ||

॥ तृतीयॊऽध्यायः ॥
॥ एकोनविंशः खण्डः ॥
आदित्यो ब्रह्मेत्यादेशस्तस्योपव्याख्यानमसदेवेदमग्र आसीत् । तत्सदासीत्तत्समभवत्तदाण्डं निरवर्तत तत्संवत्सरस्य मात्रामशयत तन्निरभिद्यत ते आण्डकपाले रजतं च सुवर्णं चाभवताम् ॥ १ ॥
तद्यद्रजतँसेयं पृथिवी यत्सुवर्णँ सा द्यौर्यज्जरायु ते पर्वता यदुल्बँसमेघो नीहारो या धमनयस्ता नद्यो यद्वास्तेयमुदकँस समुद्रः ॥ २ ॥
अथ यत्तदजायत सोऽसावादित्यस्तं जायमानं घोषा उलूलवोऽनूदतिष्ठन्त्सर्वाणि च भूतानि सर्वे च कामास्तस्मात्तस्योदयं प्रति प्रत्यायनं प्रति घोषा उलूलवोऽनूत्तिष्ठन्ति सर्वाणि च भूतानि सर्वे च कामाः ॥ ३ ॥
स य एतमेवं विद्वानादित्यं ब्रह्मेत्युपास्तेऽभ्याशो ह यदेनँ साधवो घोषा आ च गच्छेयुरुप च निम्रेडेरन्निम्रेडेरन् ॥ ४ ॥

 Part Three
Chapter 19
[Meditation on the Sun as Brahman]
The sun is Brahman: this is the teaching.
An explanation further follows...
In the beginning this universe was non-existent. It became existent. It grew. It turned into an egg. The egg lay for the period of a year. Then it broke open. Of the two halves of the egg-shell, one half was of silver, the other of gold.That which was of silver became the earth; that which was of gold, heaven. What was the thick membrane of the white became the mountains; the thin membrane of the yolk, the must and the clouds. The veins became the rivers; the fluid in the bladder, the ocean.And what was born of it was yonder Aditya, the sun. when it was born shouts of "Hurrah!" arose, together with all beings and all objects of desire. Therefore at its rise and its every return shouts of "Hurrah!" together with all beings and all objects of desire arise.He who, knowing this, meditates on the sun as Brahman - pleasant sounds will quickly approach him and continue to delight him, yea, continue to delight him.

who knows thus.

||তৃতীয় অধ্যায় ||
|| উনবিংশতি খন্ড  ||
সূর্য 'ব্রাহ্মন' - ইহাই হলো শিক্ষনীয় ,
যদিও তাহার বিশ্লেষণ অবর্ণনীয় ....

আদিতে জগত বলি কিছুই তো ছিলনা,
অকাল থেকেই সকাল হলো, এলো তার ধারণা ||

বৃদ্ধি হলো তার- যা এলো সেই মহাশূন্য থেকে ,,
অন্ডরূপে বছরভর তেমনি পড়ে থেকে ,,

ফুটল সে ডিম ভাঙ্গলো ' খোলা' দুভাগে হলো আলাদা ,
সোনার ভাগ স্বর্গ হলো , পৃথিবী হলো রুপালি আধা ||

পাহাড় পর্বত হলো সেই 'ডিমের সাদা '-র খোসা , 
কুসুমের পাতলা আবরণে হলো মেঘ আর কুয়াশা ||

শিরা হলো নদী , সমুদ্র- ডিমের মধ্যের তরল থেকে , 
আদিত্য (সূর্য ) যা জন্মালো সেই ডিমের ভিতর থেকে ||

জন্মালো সে এক অপূর্ব আনন্দধ্বনি নিয়ে ,, 
ইচ্ছা আর ইচ্ছাবস্তুসকল সাথে নিয়ে ||

যিনি এ জ্ঞানে জ্ঞানী - ধরেন ধ্যানে সূর্য-ব্রাহ্মনে ,,
মধুর প্রণব সহজেই ধরা পড়ে তাঁহার কানে ||

তিনি থাকেন আনন্দেতে তাঁর সকলি উদ্গিত , 
শ্রবণ হতে সে ধ্বনি তাঁর হয়না অস্তমিত ||

Saturday 25 October 2014

(22) *Kobitay Chandogya Upanishad* ( Part 3, ch 17 )

॥ तृतीयॊऽध्यायः ॥

॥ सप्तदशः खण्डः ॥


स यदशिशिषति यत्पिपासति यन्न रमते ता अस्य दीक्षाः ॥ १ ॥
अथ यदश्नाति यत्पिबति यद्रमते तदुपसदैरेति ॥ २ ॥
अथ यद्धसति यज्जक्षति यन्मैथुनं चरति स्तुतशस्त्रैरेव तदेति ॥ ३ ॥
अथ यत्तपो दानमार्जवमहिँसा सत्यवचनमिति ता अस्य दक्षिणाः ॥ ४ ॥
तस्मादाहुः सोष्यत्यसोष्टेति पुनरुत्पादनमेवास्य तन्मरणमेवावभृथः ॥ ५ ॥
तद्धैतद्घोर् आङ्गिरसः कृष्णाय देवकीपुत्रायोक्त्वोवाचापिपास एव स बभूव सोऽन्तवेलायामेतत्त्रयं प्रतिपद्येताक्षितमस्यच्युतमसि प्राणसँशितमसीति तत्रैते द्वे ऋचौ भवतः ॥ ६ ॥
आदित्प्रत्नस्य रेतसः । उद्वयन्तमसस्परि ज्योतिः पश्यन्त उत्तरँस्वः पश्यन्त उत्तरं देवं देवत्रा सूर्यमगन्म ज्योतिरुत्तममिति ज्योतिरुत्तममिति ॥ ७ ॥

Part 3
Chapter 17
[Man as a Sacrifice]

When a man hungers, thirsts and abstains from pleasures- these becomes his initiatory rites.
When a man eats, drinks n enjoys pleasures, then he participates in 'Upasadas' 

When a man laughs, eats and enjoys physical pleasures are d Stuta and Sastra.

Austerity, almsgiving, uprightness, nonviolence and truthfulness are the dakshina for the priests.

As a man's life is a sacrifice, therefore they say, "his mother will give birth (soshyati) to him" , or " his mother has given birth (asoshta) to him" . The same words are used in the Soma-sacrifice and mean: "He will pour out the Somras (Soma-juice) " and "He has poured out the Somaras (Soma juice) " This is his birth. His death is the 'Avabhritha'.

Ghora, of the line of Angirasa, communicated this teaching to Krishna, Devaki's son, and it quenched Krishna’s thirst for any other knowledge- and said: "When a man approaches death he should take refuge in these three thoughts: ‘Thou art indestructible (akshata),’ ‘Thou art unchanging (aprachyuta),’ and ‘Thou art the subtle prana.’ 

On this very subject there are 2 Rik-verses:

*They( knowers of Brahman) see everywhere the Supreme Light, which shines in Brahman, which is all pervading like the light of day and which belongs to the primeval Seed.

‘Perceiving the higher light in the sun,which is above the darkness of ignorance-as the higher light in the heart, perceiving the Supreme Light which is higher than all lights, we have reached the Highest Light, the Sun, the most luminous among the gods.

|| তৃতীয় অধ্যায় ||
|| সপ্তদশ খন্ড ||
মানবের পুরুষা-যজ্ঞে এসব আরম্ভের আচার ,
বিরত থাকা আনন্দেতে -নির্জলা -কিম্বা অনাহার ||
আবার পান -আহার -ভোগ যখন মানব করে ,
'উপাসদা' কহি তারেই এই যজ্ঞের তরে ||
স্তোত্র শাস্ত্র হয় উল্লাস- হাস্য , আর ভোজন,,
বা নারী/ পুরুষ ভাবে দেহ-সঙ্গমে গমন ||
অনাড়ম্বরতা , দানধ্যান, ধর্ম দৃঢ়চিতি ,
অহিংসা, সত্যানুশিলন - পুরোহিতের পৌরহিতি ||

যেমন বলা হয় সোম-হোমে আসবে সোমরস- দিলে পরে আহুতি ,,
মা শিশুকে ' জন্ম দেবে ' একেও  কয় 'সস্যতি' ||
আবার ' জন্ম দিয়াছে ' ইহাকে মোরা 'অসস্তা' বলি ,,
'অভাব্রিত' - 'মৃত্যু হযেছে ' যার , সেই বোঝাতেই বলি ||

এ জ্ঞান দেন দেবকিপুত্র কৃষ্ণেরে  'ঘোরা ' ,,
যিনি আসিয়াছিলেন ধরি ' অঙ্গিরস-পরম্পরা ' ||
কহিয়াছিলেন মিটাতে কৃষ্ণের জ্ঞান -তৃষ্ণারে -
মৃত্যুকালে এমত ভাব ধরিতে অন্তরে ||

প্রথম - এইই 'অক্ষত' যার হয়না ধ্বংস-ক্ষয় ,,
দ্বিতীয় - ' অপরাচ্যুত ' ইহাই নিত্য যাহা একসমান রয় ||
তৃতীয় - 'তিনি'ই আমার 'সুক্ষ্ম প্রান' যা দিয়ে আমি গড়া ,,
এ জ্ঞান-ই 'ঋক' ভাষ্যে আছে দুটি স্তোত্রে ধরা ||

যাঁহারা ব্রহ্মবাদী - দেখেন সমস্ততেই 'জ্যোতি ',
জোতির্ময় ব্রহ্ম - সবেরে তিনি দেন নিজ দ্যুতি ||
যিনি দিনের আলো আর সবের আদি বীজ ,,
যে বীজ হতেই হযেছে এ ব্রহ্মান্ড সৃজ ||

জ্ঞানে ধরিয়া সূর্যের অজানা সেই আলো ,
যা দূর করে অজ্ঞানতার কালো ,,
হৃদয়ের মনিকোঠায় জ্বেলে সেই জ্যোতি,
জীবনে লভিয়া সত্য -সদগতি ,,
আমরাও লভিব সেই সর্বোচ্চ আলো ,,
জ্ঞানের পরশমনি ছুইয়ে প্রাণে - জ্বালো সে জ্যোতি জ্বালো ||

Friday 24 October 2014

Why Vidhyasagar was sad during his last days ??

The next day of Deepavali , in india, in some territory, ppl are celebrating New Year today.
Crores of 'Deep' - diyas were lit in Indian Homes and so in the hearts with love, compassion with the mangal-prayers fr self, family, neighbourhood, country and everyone. Today got to read a blog 'temple of mind' and.....

Recently i got opportunity to meet a saint n we were discussing on a topic 'Why vidhyasagar was unhappy during His last days ' ?? here it follows....

We all, specially the bengalis know 'Vidyasagar' well. We start learning bengali alphabets with ‘Varnaparichay’ which was Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar’s pioneer work to introduce the modern Bengali alphabet. Prior telling the story i would like to mention few lines about Him, because without knowing that we cannot understand his pain well.

He was an educator-philosopher and moreover a ' compassionate reformist '. Vidyasagar, whose name means 'ocean of knowledge' felt very sorry and compassionate whenever he saw poor and weak people were in distress. Though he was very outspoken and blunt in his mannerisms, he was known to be kind man . For his immense generosity, charity and philanthropy He was also known as 'Dayar Sagor' or 'Karunar Sagor" i.e. 'ocean of kindness'.He always reflected and responded to distress calls of the poor, sufferings of the sick and injustice to humanity.

Such a person who was unhappy !! Swamiji's story goes on...
" During his last days , he was very sad. He was not even willing to meet ppl. He did everything he could do fr ppl but what he got in return !! He was such sad that when a person came to see him during his last days , he said - " yu too r here to add me some more pain !! Probably i hav done something good fr yu someday " Ppl hav given so much pain to him in return of his goodness that when a person comes to see him he is guessing he too has come to give him some additional pain !! Can we imagine his condition ?? Can we really feel fr his that state of mind ?? "

And here we go... conciousness means to feel other's pain as one's own. And then the true compassion dawns in the heart. Unless that state comes, Compassion is just a concept in mind or immitation of other's action who are already leballed as  'compassionate' fr their actions . ('Ppl are donating so i hav also to take part in giving. Ppl are speaking soft , i hav also to be that way" This thing happens in actual. ) Vidyasagar was genuinely compassionate but he missed to see the same in ppl around.

He was sad. Now how a person with such a huge knowledge could be sad ? 

Swamiji said 'he had every knowledge except the 'brahmgyan' . what practise of regular meditation brings forth - nothing can.

He was expecting to see the same in ppl. Expectation brings sorrow. He was unable of letting go. So here we connect the compassion to the conciousness. N further to 'Acceptance'. Accepting everyone as they are. After teaching good to them ,if  ppl are not showing progress in that path - we hav to accept that they are unable to take that. 'Let go' too is connected with this same very compassionate feeling. And it can only comes through continuous practise of Meditation.

Once that happiness could be found, conciousness spreads and a person becomes worthy to accept n let go.I do good for you doesnot  mean you do that in return. Ppl do have their own capability of understanding other's pain. Mostly they dont. Knowing that n doing good still for others comes with a beautiful inner stamina.

Happy New year :-) May this year we all blossom into one conciousness ♡

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Essence of the Yoga Vasistha

During Deepotsava let us take a break frm the regular upanishada posts and read something interesting.

here is the essence of the foremost text of #Vedanta  philosophy here explained by yogi Shivanandaji. Beautiful knowlenge fr the advanced seekers.

The glory of Yoga Vashistha / Gnana Vashistha :
The earliest work in Sanskrit on 'Vedanta' of the highest order is the 'Yoga Vasishtha'.Vasishtha, the great sage, taught the principles of Vedanta to Sri Ram- his pupil. He introduced the doctrine and narrated many beautiful and interesting stories to illustrate the principles. It is 'masterpiece' in vedanta.This scripture is a treasure fr those who practise 'Brahma Abhyasa' or Contemplation upon 'Brahman'.
It is said that He, who studies the book with genuine interest and focussed mind gets attainment of Self-realisation.

Rishi Valmiki, the author of the Ramayana, compiled this remarkable book. He related the whole of Yoga Vasishtha to Rishi Bharadwaja as it passed between Sri Rama and sage Vasishtha.There are two books, namely, the 'Brihat Yoga Vasishtham' and the 'Laghu Yoga Vasishtham'. The 'brihat' (means big)  contains 32,000 Granthas/slokas. The 'laghu'(small)  contains 6,000 Grantha/slokas.The Yoga Vasishtham contains a system of ancient philosophical thought and it is a valuable heritage from our matrubhumi 'Bharatavarsha' or 'Aryavarta'.

Those whose minds are turned from this world, who have become indifferent towards the objects of this world and are thirsting for liberation, will be really benefited by a study of this vedantic treasure . They will surely find in this book a vast mine of knowledge and practical spiritual instructions (hints on sadhana) for guidance in their daily life. This is a book for constant study as many times as possible. It must be read and re-read, studied and mastered.
Many saints and seekers hav read the book fr many times. It is a record that Pundit Brindawana Saraswati ji of Benaras had read the Yoga Vasishtha one hundred and sixty-five times.It is a comprehensive, systematic and literary philosophical work and the most read . Though the book is called Yoga-Vasishtha, it treats of Jnana (knowledge)  only. It is also  known by the name *Jnana Vasishtha*.
The Yoga Vasishtha deals with the subject of effecting union of the individual soul with the Supreme Soul amidst all the trials and tribulations of life.

Division and Doctrine of Yoga Vashistha :

The book consists of six Prakaranas or sections,

1. 'Vairagya' - dispassion or indifference.

2. 'Mumukshu Prakarana' -on longing for liberation.

3. 'Utpatti Prakarana' - on creation or origin.

4. 'Sthiti Prakarana' - on preservation or existence.

5.' Upasanti Prakarana' - on dissolution or quiescence.

6. 'Nirvana Prakarana' -on liberation.

(1) According to Yoga Vasishtha, this world of experience with various objects, time, space and laws, is a creation of the mind, that is, an idea or Kalpana. Just as objects are created by the mind in dream, so also everything is created by the mind in the waking state also.

Expansion of the mind is Sankalpa. Sankalpa, through its power of differentiation, generates this universe. Time and space are only mental creations. Through the play of the mind in objects, nearness seems to be a great distance and vice versa. Through the force of the mind, a 'Kalpais' regarded as a moment and vice versa. A moment of waking experience may be experienced as years in dream. The mind can have the experience of miles within a short span and miles can also be experienced as a span only. Mind is not anything different and separate from Brahman. Brahman manifests Himself as mind. Mind is endowed with creative power. Mind is the cause of bondage and liberation.The doctrine of Drishti-Srishtivada is expounded in the Yoga Vasishtha.

In some places Vasishtha speaks of the Ajativada of Sri Gaudapadacharya, the great Guru of Sri Sankara. You begin to see and then there is creation. This is Drishti-Srishtivada. This world does not exist at all in the three periods of time. This is Ajativada or non-origin of the universe.This is a most inspiring book. Every student of Vedanta keeps this book for constant study. It is a constant companion for a student on the path of Jnana Yoga. It is not a Prakriya Grantha; it does not deal with the Prakriyas or categories of Vedanta. Only advanced students can take up this book for their study. Beginners should first study the Atma Bodha, Tattwa Bodha andAtmanatma Viveka of Sri Sankara, and the Pancheekaran before they take up the study of Yoga Vasishtha.

Moksha According to Yoga Vasishtha
Moksha, according to Yoga Vasishtha, is the attainment of the essence of the bliss of Brahman through knowledge of the Self. It is freedom from births and deaths. It is the immaculate and imperishable seat of Brahman wherein there are neither Sankalpas norVasanas. The mind attains its quiescence here. All the pleasures of the whole world are a mere drop when compared to the infinite bliss of Moksha.That which is called Moksha is neither in Devaloka nor in Patala nor on earth. When all desires are destroyed, the extinction of the expansive mind alone is Moksha. Moksha has neither space nor time in itself; nor is there in it any state external or internal. If the illusory idea of "I" or Ahamkara perishes, the end of thoughts (which is Maya) is experienced, and that is Moksha. Extinction of all Vasanas constitutes Moksha. Sankalpa is only Samsara; its annihilation is Moksha. It is only Sankalpa destroyed beyond resurrection that constitutes the immaculate Brahmic seat or Moksha. Moksha is freedom from all sorts of pains (Sarva-Duhkha Nivritti) and the attainment of supreme bliss (Paramananda Prapti). 

"Duhkha" means pain or suffering. Births and deaths generate the greatest pain. Freedom from births and deaths is freedom from all sorts of pain. Brahma Jnana or knowledge of the Self alone will give Moksha. The quiescence produced in the mind by the absence of desires for objects is Moksha.Moksha is not a thing to be achieved. It is already there. You are in reality not bound. You are ever pure and free. If you were really bound you could never become free. You have to know that you are the immortal, all-pervading Self. To know that, is to become That. This is Moksha. This is the goal of life. This is the summum bonum of existence. That state of non-attraction of the mind, when neither "I" nor any other self exists for it, and when it abandons the pleasures of the world, should be known as the path that leads to Moksha.The Absolute, according to the Yoga Vasishtha, is Satchidananda Para Brahman, who is non-dual, partless, infinite, self-luminous, changeless and eternal. He is the ultimate substance. He is the unity behind the subject and the object of experience. He is one homogeneous essence. He is all pervading. He is beyond description. He is nameless, colourless, odourless, tasteless, timeless, spaceless, deathless and birthless.

Qualifications of the Student

He whose mind is calm, who is endowed with the "Four Means" of salvation, who is free from defects and impurities can realise the Self intuitively through meditation. The scriptures and the, spiritual preceptor cannot show us Brahman. They can only guide us and give us a hint by way of analogies and illustrations.Shanti (quiescence of mind), Santosha (contentment), Satsanga (association with sages) and Vichara (Atmic enquiry) are the four sentinels who guard the gates of Moksha. If you make friendship with them, you will easily enter the kingdom of Moksha. Even if you keep company with one of them, he will surely introduce you to his other three companions.The student should have an unshakable conviction that Brahman is the only Reality, that everything is Brahman, that Brahman is the very Self of all beings. Then he should realise this truth through direct cognition or intuition (Aparokshanubhava). This direct knowledge of Brahman alone is the means of liberation.There is no difference between the waking and dream experiences. The waking state is a long dream. The dream experiences become unreal as soon as man comes back to his waking state. Even so, the waking state becomes unreal for a sage who has attained Self-realisation. For the man who dreams, the waking state becomes unreal.

Essence of Yoga Vasishtha

(1)If you attain knowledge of the Self or Brahma Jnana, you will be freed from the trammels of births and deaths. All your doubts will vanish and all Karmas will perish. It is through one’s own efforts alone that the immortal, all blissful Brahmic seat can be obtained.

(2) The slayer of the Atman is only the mind. The form of the mind is only Sankalpas. The true nature of the mind consists in the Vasanas.

(3) The actions of the mind alone are truly termed actions (Karmas). The universe is nothing but the mind manifesting as such through the power of Brahman. The mind contemplating on the body becomes the body itself and then, enmeshed in it, is afflicted by it.The mind manifests itself as the external world in the shape of pains or pleasures.

(4)The mind subjectively is consciousness. Objectively, it is this universe. By its enemy, discrimination, the mind is rendered to the quiescent state of Para Brahman. The real bliss is that which arises when the mind, divested of all desires through the eternal Jnana, destroys its subtle form.
The Sankalpas and Vasanas which you generate, enmesh you as in a net. The self-light of Para Brahman alone is appearing as the mind or this universe.Persons without Atmic enquiry will see as real this world, which is nothing but of the nature of Sankalpas.

(5)The expansion of this mind alone is Sankalpa. Sankalpa, through its power of differentiation, generates this universe. Extinction of Sankalpas alone is Moksha.The enemy of the Atman is this impure mind only which is filled with excessive delusion and hosts of worldly thoughts. There is no vessel on this earth to wade through the ocean of rebirths other than mastery of the antagonistic mind.The original sprout of the painful Ahamkara, with its tender stem of rebirths, at length ramifies itself everywhere with its long branches of "mine" and "thine" and yields its unripe fruits of death, disease, old age and sorrows. This tree can be destroyed to its root only by the fire of Jnana.

(6)All the heterogeneous visibles, perceived through the organ of sense, are only unreal; that which is real is Para Brahman or the Supreme Soul.If all objects which have an enchanting appearance become eyesores and present the very reverse of the former feelings, then the mind is destroyed. All your properties are useless. All wealth lands you in dangers.

(7)Freedom from desires will take you to the eternal, blissful abode.Destroy Vasanas and Sankalpas. Kill egoism. Annihilate this mind. Equip yourself with the "Four Means". Meditate on the pure, immortal, all-pervading Self or Atman. Get knowledge of the Self and attain immortality, everlasting peace, eternal bliss, freedom and perfection.

(8)A Jivanmukta or a realised soul roams about happily. He has neither attractions nor attachments. He has nothing to attain nor has he anything to give up. He works for the well-being of the world. He is free from desires, egoism and greed. He is in solitude though he works in the busiest part of a city.

(9)May you all drink the nectar of Yoga Vasishtha! May you all taste the honey of wisdom of the Self! May you all become Jivanmuktas in this very birth!

(10) May the blessings of sage Vasishtha, sage Valmiki and other Brahma-Vidya Gurus be upon you all! May you all partake of the essence of the bliss of Brahman!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

(21) *Kobitay Chandogya Upanishad * ( Part 3, Ch 15 &16 )

॥ तृतीयॊऽध्यायः ॥

॥ पञ्चदशः खण्डः ॥
अन्तरिक्षोदरः कोशो भूमिबुध्नो न जीर्यति दिशो ह्यस्य स्रक्तयो द्यौरस्योत्तरं बिलँस एष कोशो वसुधानस्तस्मिन्विश्वमिदँश्रितम् ॥ १ ॥
तस्य प्राची दिग्जुहूर्नाम सहमाना नाम दक्षिणा राज्ञी नाम प्रतीची सुभूता नामोदीची तासां वायुर्वत्सः स य एतमेवं वायुं दिशां वत्सं वेद न पुत्ररोदँरोदिति सोऽहमेतमेवं वायुं दिशां वत्सं वेद मा पुत्ररोदँरुदम् ॥ २ ॥
अरिष्टं कोशं प्रपद्येऽमुनामुनामुना प्राणं प्रपद्येऽमुनामुनामुना भूः प्रपद्येऽमुनामुनामुना भुवः प्रपद्येऽमुनामुनामुना स्वः प्रपद्येऽमुनामुनामुना ॥ ३ ॥
स यदवोचं प्राणं प्रपद्य इति प्राणो वा इदँ सर्वं भूतं यदिदं किञ्च तमेव तत्प्रापत्सि ॥ ४ ॥
अथ यदवोचं भूः प्रपद्य इति पृथिवीं प्रपद्येऽन्तरिक्षं प्रपद्ये दिवं प्रपद्य इत्येव तदवोचम् ॥ ५ ॥
अथ यदवोचं भुवः प्रपद्य इत्यग्निं प्रपद्ये वायुं प्रपद्य आदित्यं प्रपद्य इत्येव तदवोचम् ॥ ६ ॥
अथ यदवोचँस्वः प्रपद्य इत्यृग्वेदं प्रपद्ये यजुर्वेदं प्रपद्ये सामवेदं प्रपद्य इत्येव तदवोचं तदवोचम् ॥ ७ ॥

॥ षोडशः खण्डः ॥
पुरुषो वाव यज्ञस्तस्य यानि चतुर्विँशतिवर्षाणि तत्प्रातःसवनं चतुर्विँशत्यक्षरा गायत्री गायत्रं प्रातःसवनं तदस्य वसवोऽन्वायत्ताः प्राणा वाव वसव एते हीदँसर्वं वासयन्ति ॥ १ ॥
तं चेदेतस्मिन्वयसि किञ्चिदुपतपेत्स ब्रूयात्प्राणा वसव इदं मे प्रातःसवनं माध्यन्दिनँसवनमनुसन्तनुतेति माहं प्राणानां वसूनां मध्ये यज्ञो विलोप्सीयेत्युद्धैव तत एत्यगदो ह भवति ॥ २ ॥
अथ यानि चतुश्चत्वारिँशद्वर्षाणि तन्माध्यंदिनँसवनं चतुश्चत्वारिँशदक्षरा त्रिष्टुप्त्रैष्टुभं माध्यन्दिनँसवनं तदस्य रुद्रा अन्वायत्ताः प्राणा वाव रुद्रा एते हीदँसर्वँरोदयन्ति ॥ ३ ॥
तं चेदेतस्मिन्वयसि किञ्चिदुपतपेत्स ब्रूयात्प्राणा रुद्रा इदं मे माध्यन्दिनँसवनं तृतीयसवनमनुसन्तनुतेति माहं प्राणानाँरुद्राणां मध्ये यज्ञो विलोप्सीयेत्युद्धैव तत एत्यगदो ह भवति ॥ ४ ॥
अथ यान्यष्टाचत्वारिँशद्वर्षाणि तत्तृतीयसवनमष्टाचत्वारिँशदक्षरा जगती जागतं तृतीयसवनं तदस्यादित्या अन्वायत्ताः प्राणा वावादित्या एते हीदँसर्वमाददते ॥ ५ ॥
तं चेदेतस्मिन्वयसि किञ्चिदुपतपेत्स ब्रूयात्प्राणा अदित्या इदं मे तृतीयसवनमायुरनुसंतनुतेति माहं प्राणानामादित्यानां मध्ये यज्ञो विलोप्सीयेत्युद्धैव तत एत्यगदो हैव भवति ॥ ६ ॥
एतद्ध स्म वै तद्विद्वानाह महिदास ऐतरेयः स किं म एतदुपतपसि योऽहमनेन न प्रेष्यामीति स ह षोडशं वर्षशतमजीवत्प्र ह षोडशं वर्षशतं जीवति य एवं वेद ॥ ७ ॥

|| তৃতীয় অধ্যায় ||

|| পঞ্চদশ খন্ড ||

বিশ্ব যেন এক সিন্দুক - আকাশ যার ঢাকনা ,
তল -ধরণী ,, একেক ভাগ একেকটি তার কোনা ||
শুন্য আকাশ , ধরনীতল , যার হয়না ক্ষয় ,,
এ সিন্দুক-এ  সব ঐশ্বর্য ধরে -তা জেনো নিশ্চয় ||

এ 'ব্রহ্মান্ড-সিন্দুকের' পূর্বভাগ যারে 'জুহু' বলে জানি ,,
'দক্ষিন  'সহমন' , উত্তর 'সুভুতা', পশ্চিম তার 'রজনী ',,
বায়ু যেন 'গোবত্স্য' এই প্রতিটি ভাগের ,,
এ বত্স্যরুপি বায়ু-রহস্য জানা আছে যাহাদের ,,
কহিবে - "হে বায়ু চাহি দীর্ঘায়ু, মম সন্তান তরে ,
যেন না করিতে হয় এ জীবনে বিলাপ বত্স্যমৃত্যু পরে" ||

আশ্রয় নিলাম হে 'আকাশ' - যেমত যাহার জন্য ,,
নিনু আশ্রয় হে 'প্রান', 'ভূ ','ভুব', 'স্বঃ',,তাহার তাহার জন্য ||

যখন কহি "প্রান-এ নিনু আশ্রয় "
জানিয়া যা কিছু আছে সবই 'প্রাণ' ,,

তখন জানিব আশ্রয় শরণ নিনু ,
তাতে - যাহা 'এক ' - সেই প্রান ||

যখন কহি 'ভূ ' দাও  মোরে  আশ্রয় তোমা মধ্যে ,
তখন নিলাম আশ্রয় 'ধরা - আকাশ -স্বর্গ ' মধ্যে ||

' ভুবঃ ' -এ আশ্রয় নিনু মানে আশ্রয় 'অগ্নি-সূর্য -বায়ু' -র ,,

'স্বঃ' -আশ্রয় এর মানে , শরণাগত বেদের -'ঋক','সাম' আর 'যজুর '||

|| ষোড়শ খন্ড ||


মনুষ্য মানেই যোগ্গত্সর্গ , জীবন - যগ্জ্ঞাহুতি ,,
আয়ুর প্রথম চব্বিশ -তা প্রভাতি যগ্জ্ঞাহুতি ||
'গায়ত্রী'-র পরিমাপ -ও সেই চব্বিশটি অক্ষরে ,
প্রভাতি উপাসনা যজ্ঞ সেই 'গায়ত্রী'-র ই তরে ||
'বাসু'গন থাকেন ইহা সাথে যুক্ত ,
আবার তাহাই 'প্রান' - যাহা করে সবারে স্থিত ||

জীবনের এ অধ্যায়ে যদি আসে রোগ রোগাদি দুঃখ ,
করিবে প্রার্থনা কর পূর্ণ মোর এই প্রভাতি -যজ্ঞ ||
জুড়ে দাও মোর মন সেই দিবা -যোগ্নের সাথে ,,
হারিয়ে না যেন যাই মাঝখানে নিয়ে প্রান বসু সঙ্গে ||
নিশ্চয় করে হবে সে নিরোগ হবে দুঃখ মুক্তি,,
বসু যাহা প্রান , দেবে প্রাণদান , হবে  দিবা-যজ্ঞ যুক্তি ||

পরের অধ্যায় 'ত্রিস্তুভ' যার অক্ষর -ও চুয়াল্লিশ ,,
ত্রিস্তুভ যজ্ঞ মাপে -পরের আহুতিতে কাটে জীবনের চার+চল্লিশ ||
ইহারা রুদ্র তাহাই যে প্রান -যাহা বহায় নীর ,,
প্রার্থনা তাঁরে যদি হয় এই কালে রোগাদি তে অধীর ||

হে রুদ্রগন , হে প্রান , জোড় দিবাযজ্ঞ মোর মম 'সন্ধ্যা'সাথে ,
হারিয়ে না যাই যেন এইকালে অসম্পূর্ণ মম জীবনযজ্ঞ হতে ||
রুদ্র যাহারা প্রান করিবেন আরোগ্য ,দিবেন তারে প্রাণদান ,,
মধ্যের এই চুয়াল্লিশ রহিবে নিরোগ ; হবে সফল এ আহুতিদান ||

পরের আঠ্চল্লিশ 'জাগতি'-যজ্ঞ , যার প্রান আদিত্যে ,,
ইহাই সন্ধ্যাআহুতি সম্পূর্ণ জীবনযজ্ঞ হিতে ||
যদি ইহকালে দেহ রোগাদিতে পীড়াগ্রস্থ হয় ,
প্রার্থনা সেই আদিত্য-প্রান তরে করিবে যে নিশ্চয় ||

হে প্রান , হে আদিত্য করহে নিরোগ মোরে,
যেন না হারাই হেথা -তৃতীয় -উপাসনা অসম্পূর্ণ করে !!
দাও আয়ু মোরে,  জাগতি -যজ্ঞ তরে যাঁর আঠ্চল্লিশ বিস্তার ,,
জীবনযজ্ঞ পুর্নাহুতিতে সম্পূর্ণ করগো আমার ||

নিরোগ রহিবে সে পাইয়া  আদিত্যের বর !
সুস্থ দেহ , পূর্ণ আয়ু,  লভিবে  সে সত্তর ||

জানিয়া জীবন-যজ্ঞ মতবাদ ঐতারেও-মহিদাস কহিল ,,
কিভাবে পীড়া দিবে বলো - যে এ রহস্য জানিল !! ?
বাঁচিয়াছিল মহিদাস 'এক শত আর ষোলো' !!
যে জানিবে ইহা সেও উর্জাবলে বাঁচিবে একশ-ষোলো ||

Part Three
( Ch : 15 )

(1) The chest (i.e. the universe), having the sky as its hollow and the earth for its (curved) bottom, doesn't decay. The quarters are indeed its corners and heaven is its upper lid. This well known chest is the container of wealth. All the things rest in it.
(2)Of that chest, the eastern quarter is called 'Juhu' , the southern is named 'Sahamana', the western is named 'Rajni' and the northern is named 'Subhuta' . The air is their calf. He who knows this air, the calf of the quarters, thus (as immortal), never weeps in mourning for his son. "I, wishing my son's, longevity, worship thus this air, the calf of the quarters. May I never weep to mourn my son."
(3) I take refuge in the imperishable chest for such and such and such. I take refuge in Prana for such and such and such. I take refuge in Bhuh for such and such and such. I take refuge in Bhuvah for such and such and such. I take refuge in Svah for such and such and such.
(4) When I said, 'I take refuge in Prana', as  because all these beings, whatsoever exist, are indeed Prana. So it was in this alone that I took refuge.
(5) Then when I said, 'I take refuge in Bhuh', I said this: 'I take refuge in the earth, in the sky,in heaven'.
(6) Then when I said, 'I take refuge in Bhuvah', I said only this: 'I take refuge in Fire, in Air, in the Sun.
(7) Then, when I said, 'I take refuge in Svah', I said only this: 'I take refuge in the Rig-Veda, I take refuge in the Yajur-Veda, I take refuge in the Sama-Veda'.
Yes !! that was what I said !!

Ch : 16
(1) Man, truly, is the sacrifice.
His (first) twenty-four years are the morning libation (for the metre Gayatri is made up of twenty-four syllables, and the morning libation is related to the Gayatri metre.) With this the Vasus are connected. The Pranas indeed are the Vasus, for they make all this stable.
(2) During this period of life if anything (e.g. illness) causes him pain, he should repeat "  'O Pranas, Vasus, unite this morning libation of mind with the midday libation. May I who am a sacrifice not be lost in the midst of the Vasus who are the Pranas'. " He surely recovers from that and becomes healthy.
(3) Now, (his next) forty-four years are the mid-day libation, (for the metre Tristubh is made up of forty-four syllables, and the mid-day libation is related to the Tristubh metre.) With this, the Rudras are connected. The Pranas indeed are the Rudras, for they cause all this (universe) to weep.
(4) During this period of life if anything (e.g. illness) causes him pain, he should repeat " 'O Pranas, Rudras, unite this mid-day libation of mine with the third libation. May I, who am a sacrifice, not be lost in the midst of the Rudras who are the Pranas" . He surely recovers from that and becomes healthy.
(5) Then (his next) forty-eight years are the third libation. The metre Jagati is made up of forty-eight syllables and the third libation is related to the Jagati metre. With this, the Adityas are connected. The Pranas indeed are the Adityas, for they accept all this.
(6) During this period of life if anything (e.g. illness) causes him pain, he should repeat - "O Pranas, Adityas, extend this third libation of mine to a full length of life. May I, who am a sacrifice, not be lost in the midst of the Adityas who are the Pranas. " He surely recovers from that and becomes healthy.
(7) Knowing this well-known (doctrine of sacrifice) Aitareya Mahidasa said, 'Why do you afflict me thus, me who cannot be so killed.' He lived for one hundred and sixteen years. He, too, who knows thus, lives in vigour for one hundred and sixteen years ♡

Sunday 12 October 2014

(20) *Kobitay Chandogya Upanishad * (Part 3,Ch-14)

॥ चतुर्दशः खण्डः ॥
सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्म तज्जलानिति शान्त उपासीत । अथ खलु क्रतुमयः पुरुषो यथाक्रतुरस्मिँल्लोके पुरुषो भवति तथेतः प्रेत्य भवति स क्रतुं कुर्वीत ॥ १ ॥
मनोमयः प्राणशरीरो भारूपः सत्यसङ्कल्प आकाशात्मा सर्वकर्मा सर्वकामः सर्वगन्धः सर्वरसः सर्वमिदमभ्यत्तोऽवाक्यनादरः ॥ २ ॥
एष म आत्मान्तर्हृदयेऽणीयान्व्रीहेर्वा यवाद्वा सर्षपाद्वा श्यामाकाद्वा श्यामाकतण्डुलाद्वैष म आत्मान्तर्हृदये ज्यायान्पृथिव्या ज्यायानन्तरिक्षाज्ज्यायान्दिवो ज्यायानेभ्यो लोकेभ्यः ॥ ३ ॥
सर्वकर्मा सर्वकामः सर्वगन्धः सर्वरसः सर्वमिदमभ्यात्तोऽवाक्यनादर एष म आत्मान्तर्हृदय एतद्ब्रह्मैतमितः प्रेत्याभिसंभवितास्मीति यस्य स्यादद्धा न विचिकित्सास्तीति ह स्माह शाण्डिल्यः शाण्डिल्यः ॥ ४ ॥

|| চতুর্দশ খন্ড ||
যাহা যত কিছু হেথা সবই সে ব্রাহ্মন ,
ব্রহ্ম হতেই হয়েছে এ জগতের আগমন ||
আবার সে জগতের এই ব্রহ্মমধ্যে বাস ,
মেলায় সেই ব্রহ্মে যে ব্রহ্মেতে শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাস ||
তাই শান্তচিত্তে পরমব্রহ্মে হয় ধ্যান ধরা,
দৃঢ়ভাবে মনে ব্রহ্ম -সংকল্প করা ||

মনুষ্যের সার হয় তার সঙ্কল্পেতে,
তাই এক সংকল্প ধর নিজ প্রান আর মনেতে ||
হেথা হতে যখন যাবে সেই পরলোকে ,
সেই সংকল্পই পূর্ণ হবে মিলিবে ব্রহ্মেতে ||

যিনি কেবল মন দিয়ে গড়া - যাঁর দেহ অতি সুক্ষ্ম ,
যাঁর রূপ জ্যোতির্ময় - ভাবনা সত্য নিষ্কলঙ্ক ||
যাঁর স্বভাব আকাশসম , যাঁর সৃষ্ট এ জগত ,,
যথার্থইচ্ছার পূরক/ভোক্তা- সর্ববসুগন্ধি ধারক ||
মোর হৃদয়্কুপে যাঁহার বাস , মৌন নির্যাস সবকিছুর ,,
সব অন্নকনার চেয়েও ক্ষুদ্রাকার -তিনি ই আত্মা মোর ||
এ ধরা হতেও বৃহৎ, বৃহৎ এ দৃশ্য-আকাশ হতে ,,
স্বর্গ হতেও বৃহৎ ; বৃহৎ সমস্তলোক হতে ||

যিনি এ জগতের স্রষ্টা -সর্বকল্পনিধান,
যিনি সুগন্ধিত ,সর্বস্বাদবিশিষ্ট ,, সর্ব্বস্বময় প্রান ||
মোর হৃদয়ে বিরাজমান - মমাত্মা যিনি ,
তিনি ই সর্ব্বেস্সর্বা , সেই 'ব্রাহ্মন' ই তিনি ||

" এ ভব ছাড়িব যেমনে ; তাঁহাতেই মিলিব তেমনে "
এ অটলবিশ্বাস যাঁর -তিনি অবশ্য লভিবেন 'ব্রাহ্মনে ||
বলেছেন শান্ডিল্য মুনি - এ তাঁহার মতবাদ ,,
সনাতনধর্ম-সার ,, ইহাই ' ব্রহ্মবাদ ' ♡

Chapter XIV
[ The Sandilya Doctrine ]

Few words on this doctrine :
Here in this doctrine we see how "will' is important fr the attainment of God -'brahman'.
In Bhagavad Gita too we see the similar theory in 'aksharbrahmyog'. What we practice, what is our will, what we call fr at the time when we leave the world, we certainly reach that.
The gist of all spiritual practice is 'attainment of Brahma' . The concept of sanatana dharma is based on the Karmik theory. The impression upon mind we carry forward in next birth.
If, the highest desire - the highest attainment is there which is 'merge n be one with the light ' with 'brahman' .... there cease the process of birth n death cycle. And then we are free to choose whether we come here again or not.

English translation of these verses :
1. All this is Brahman. From It the universe comes forth, in It the universe merges and in It the universe breathes. Therefore a man should meditate on Brahman with a calm mind. Now, verily, a man consists of will. As he wills in this world, so does he become when he has departed hence. Let him with this knowledge in mind form his will.
2—3. He who consists of the mind, whose body is subtle, whose form is light, whose thoughts are true, whose nature is like the akasa, whose creation in this universe, who cherishes all righteous desires, who contains all pleasant odours, who is endowed with all tastes, who embraces all this, who never speaks and who is without longing— He is my Self within the heart, smaller than a grain of rice, smaller than a grain of barley, smaller than a mustard seed, smaller than a grain of millet; He is my Self within the heart, greater than the earth, greater than the mid—region, greater than heaven, greater than all these worlds.
4. He whose creation is this universe, who cherishes all desires, who contains all odours, who is endowed with all tastes, who embraces all this, who never speaks and who is without longing—He is my Self within the heart, He is that Brahman. When I shall have departed hence I shall certainly reach Him: one who has this faith and has no doubt will certainly attain to that Godhead. Thus said Sandilya, yes, thus He said.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

* Drigdrishya Viveka || দৃগ্দৃশ্য বিবেক ||

কত গুণীজন - কত শত শত পুঁথি লিখে রেখে গেছে,, 

জেনো, দ্রষ্টা শুদ্ধবিবেকে তব অজান্তে ধরা আছে ।।

শিশুর প্রতিটি জানার জান্তা তার মা যেমনি হয় ,, 

শিশুকালে নিজ অজান্তেই শিশু পায় সেই পরিচয়,, 

সবার  গভীরে সে শক্তি আছে ,চেতন-প্রদূষণ-ই দ্বৈত ।

যেমনি মায়ের সব সন্তান এক ,মা নিজেই যে অদ্বৈত ।।

হোক সে বোধি, হও বোধা-তীত ,বুদ্ধি হোক শুদ্ধ - মুক্ত , 

সে পলে বুঝিবে জ্ঞানেরও জ্ঞানী -কে ,হবে অদ্বৈতে বুদ্ধ  ...... ।। 

ব্রহ্ম সত্য জগত মিথ্যা ইহাই শ্রুতি কয় , 

এক সে ব্রাহ্মন অদ্বৈত তাহা তো অজানা নয় ।।

তবু যে কেন প্রপঞ্চ জগৎ মোদের কাছে স্পষ্ট ,

ব্রহ্মে কেন দেখিনা কেন তিনি রহেন অস্পষ্ট ?

উন্নত সাধকের এ প্রশ্ন অবশ্য আসিবে মনে ,

কেন অদ্বৈত থাকেন অধরা আমাদের মননে ??

আত্মা আর ব্রহ্ম দুই- এক বৈ তো নয় ,

ঢেকে রাখে 'অবিদ্যা' তারে ; যা আত্মার-ই  অংশ হয় ।।

আত্মার মতই যার নেইকো কোনো শুরু ,

এও যে এক মায়া বলে গেছেন জগদ-গুরু  ।।

रूपं दृश्यं लोचनं दृक् तद्दृश्यं दृक्तु मानसम् । 

दृश्या धीवृत्तयः साक्षी दृगेव न तु दृश्यते ॥ १॥ 

नीलपीतस्थूलसूक्ष्मह्रस्वदीर्घादिभेदतः । 

नानाविधानि रूपाणि पश्येल्लोचनमेकधा ॥ २॥ 

आन्ध्यमान्द्यपटुत्वेषु नेत्रधर्मेषु चैकधा । 

सङ्कल्पयेन्मनः श्रोत्रत्वगादौ योज्यतामिदम् ॥ ३॥ 

कामः सङ्कल्पसन्देहौ श्रद्धाऽश्रद्धे धृतीतरे । 

ह्रीर्धीर्भीरित्येवमादीन् भासयत्येकधा चितिः ॥ ४॥ 

नोदेति नास्तमेत्येषा न वृद्धिं याति न क्षयम् । 

स्वयं विभात्यथानन्यानि भासयेत् साधनं विना ॥ ५॥ 

चिच्छायाऽऽवेशतो बुदौ भानं धीस्तु द्विधा स्थिता । 

एकाहङ्कृतिरन्या स्यादन्तःकरणरूपिणी ॥ ६॥ 

छायाऽहङ्कारयोरैक्यं तप्तायःपिण्डवन्मतम् । 

तदहङ्कारतादात्म्यद्देहश्चेतनतामगात् ॥ ७॥ 

अहङ्कारस्य तादात्म्यं चिच्छायादेहसाक्षिभिः । 

सहजं कर्मजं भ्रान्तिजन्यं च त्रिविधं क्रमात् ॥ ८॥ 

सम्बन्धिनोः सतोर्नास्ति निवृत्तिः सहजस्य तु । 

कर्मक्षयात् प्रबोधाच्च निवर्तेते क्रमादुभे ॥ ९॥ 

अहङ्कारलये सुप्तौ भवेद्देहोऽप्यचेतनः । 

अहङ्कारविकासार्धः स्वप्नः सर्वस्तु जागरः ॥ १०॥ 

अन्तःकरणवृत्तिश्च चितिच्चछायैक्यमागता । 

वासनाः कल्पयेत् स्वप्ने बोधेऽक्षैर्विषयान् बहिः ॥ ११॥ 

मनोऽहङ्कृत्युपादानं लिङ्गमेकं जडात्मकम् । 

अवस्थात्रयमन्वेति जायते म्रियते तथा ॥ १२॥ 

शक्तिद्वयं हि मायाया विक्षेपावृत्तिरूपकम् । 

विक्षेपशक्तिर्लिङ्गादिब्रह्माण्डान्तं जगत् सृजेत् ॥ १३॥ 

सृष्टिर्नाम ब्रह्मरूपे सच्चिदानन्दवस्तुनि । 

अब्धौ फेनादिवत् सर्वनामरूपप्रसारणा ॥ १४॥ 

अन्तर्दृग्दृश्ययोर्भेदं बहिश्च ब्रह्मसत्गयोः । 

आवृणोत्यपरा शक्तिः सा संसारस्य कारणम् ॥ १५॥ 

साक्षिणः पुरतो भाति लिङ्गं देहेन संयुतम् । 

चितिच्छायासमावेशाज्जीवः स्याद्व्यावहारिकः ॥ १६॥ 

अस्य जीवत्वमारोपात् साक्षिण्यप्यवभासते । 

आवृतौ तु विनष्टायां भेदे भातेऽपयाति तत् ॥ १७॥ 

तथा सर्गब्रह्मणोश्च भेदमावृत्य तिष्ठति । 

या शक्तिस्तद्वशाद्ब्रह्म विकृतत्वेन भासते ॥ १८॥ 

अत्राप्यावृतिनाशेन विभाति ब्रह्मसर्गयोः । 

भेदस्तयोर्विकारः स्यात् सर्गे न ब्रह्मणि क्वचित् ॥ १९॥ 

अस्ति भाति प्रियं रूपं नाम चेत्यंशपञ्चकम् । 

आद्यत्रयं ब्रह्मरूपं जगद्रूपं ततो द्वयम् ॥ २०॥ 

खवाय्वग्निजलोर्वीषु देवतिर्यङ्नरादिषु ।  

अभिन्नाः सच्चिदानन्दाः भिद्यते रूपनामनि ॥ २१॥ 

उपेक्ष्य नामरूपे द्वे सच्चिदानन्दतत्परः । 

समाधिं सर्वदा कुर्याद्धृतये वाऽथवा बहिः ॥ २२॥ 

सविकल्पो निर्विकल्पः समाधिर्द्विविधो हृदि । 

दृश्यशब्दानुवेधेन सविकल्पः पुनर्द्विधा ॥ २३॥ 

कामाद्याश्चित्तगा दृश्यास्तत्साक्षित्वेन चेतनम् । 

ध्यायेद्दृश्यानुविद्धोऽयं समाधिः सविकल्पकः ॥ २४॥ 

असङ्गः सच्चिदानन्दः स्वप्रभो द्वैतवर्जितः । 

अस्मीति शब्दविद्धोऽयं समाधिः सविकल्पकः ॥ २५॥ 

स्वानुभूतिरसावेशाद्दृश्यशब्दावुपेक्ष्य तु । 

निर्विकल्पः समाधिः स्यान्निवातस्थितदीपवत् ॥ २६॥ 

हृदीव बाह्यदेशेऽपि यस्मिन् कस्मिंश्च वस्तुनि । 

समाधिराद्यः सन्मात्रान्नामरूपपृथक्कृतिः ॥ २७॥ 

अखण्डैकरसं वस्तु सच्चिदानन्दलक्षणम् । 

इत्यविच्छिन्नचिन्तेयं समाधिर्मध्यमो भवेत् ॥ २८॥ 

स्तब्धीभावोरसास्वादात्तृतीयः पूर्ववन्मतः । 

एतैः समाधिभिः षड्भिर्नयेत् कालं निरन्तरम् ॥ २९॥ 

देहाभिमाने गलिते विज्ञाते परमात्मनि । 

यत्र यत्र मनो याति तत्र तत्र समाधयः ॥ ३०॥ 

भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयाः । 

क्षीयन्ते चास्य कर्माणि तस्मिन् दृष्टे परावरे ॥ ३१॥ 

দেখছে যে চোখ , হচ্ছে সে 'দৃক' ,যা দেখি তাই 'দৃশ্য ' ,

আবার চোখ কে দেখে মন যখন - চক্ষু  সেথায়  দৃশ্য ' ।।

আবার মন আর মনের ভাবনাগুলি ' আত্মা' তাদের দেখে ,,

সে আত্মা দৃশ্য তো নয় - ' দৃক্' কহি মোরা যাকে ।।

নীল-পিত্ত ,স্থুল -সুক্ষ্ম, লম্বা কিম্বা খাটো,,

এ সবই সেই চক্ষু দেখে - যা এক থাকে অবিরত ।।

চোখের বৈশিষ্ট তিখ্ণতা কিম্বা অন্ধত্ব বা তা অনুজ্বল ,,

এ সবই মনে অনুভূত -মন যেসাথে এক, আর অবিরল ।।

আবার মনের যত প্রকৃতি , যেমন - ইচ্ছা , প্রত্যয়, সংশয় ,,

বিশ্বাস বা তার চাহিদা , কিম্বা লজ্জা -ভয়.....

ভেদাভেদ বা ভালো মন্দ সবই চেতনাতে অনুভূত ,

বিবেক বা চেতন, আত্মা -শুদ্ধ সনাতন ,হননা উদিত অস্তমিত ।।

স্বয়ংপ্রভ সেই  'আত্মা' বিনা অন্য  কোনো সাধনে ,

স্বপ্রকাশিত - সবে প্রকাশিত করে- বিনা কোনো উপকরণে ।।

বুদ্ধি - যা অভ্যন্তরীয় অঙ্গের সমষ্ঠি,,

তার  প্রতিবিম্বিত চৈতন্যের  দ্বিবিধ  -প্রকৃতি ।।

এই দৃষ্টিকোনীয় দ্বি-প্রকৃতির 'অহংবোধ ' প্রথম ,

দ্বিতীয়টিকেই কহি মোরা আমাদের 'মন ' ।।

এই 'বুদ্ধি' -র যোগ সেই প্রতিবিম্বিত চৈতন্যের সাথে ,,

তুলনা যেমনে আগুন আর উত্তপ্ত-অগ্নিভ- লৌহ-গোলকেতে ।।

স্থুলদেহ জোড়া আছে এই চেতনসত্তা সঙ্গে ,,

আবার অহং আর প্রতিবিম্বিত-চৈতন্য বিস্তৃত ত্রিবিধ অঙ্গে ।।

প্রতিবিম্বিত চেতনা -শরীর -সাক্ষী , অহং এই ত্রি-অঙ্গ সাথে ,,

প্রথম সহজ , দ্বিতীয় কর্মজ , তৃতীয় ভ্রান্তি -ভাবেতে ।।

যতক্ষণ না হয় আত্মদর্শন -বুদ্ধি ই বল হয় ,,

আত্মার আভাস হলেই পরে বুদ্ধির ও হয় লয় ।।

তখন চেতনে আসে শুধু হওআ টুকুই সত্য ,,

সব পরোক্ষ সংযোগ কেটে আত্মা ই এক
প্রত্যক্ষ ।।

দ্বিতীয় দেহভাবে বহু -কর্মাভাস ভাসে ,

প্রবৃত্তি নাশ হলেই মনে কেবল এক সত্য আভাসে ।।

গভীর নিদ্রাকালে অহংভাবের ও হয় লয় ,,

জাগ্রত চেতনে অহং পুর্ণপ্রকাশ পায় ।।

মধ্যম স্থিতি যারে সপ্নাবস্থা কহি ,,

আধো-অহংকার যেন এই স্থিতি তেই বহি ।।

সপ্নাবস্থায় সুপ্ত-প্রবৃত্তি ভাবনা বয়ে আনে ,

এক সপ্নজগত তৈরী হয় মোদের মননে ।।

সেই প্রবৃত্তি ই জাগরণে ইন্দ্রিয়ে হয় বিস্তৃত ,

জাগতিক দৃষ্টি মায়া আর অজ্ঞানতায় স্থিত ।।

সুক্ষ -দেহ মন অহংকার দুইয়ের ই উপাদান,

এভাবে ত্রিবিধ স্থিতি-তত্সঙ্গে জনম আর মরণ ।।

এবার যখন গুন এর ফেরে জগতটাকে দেখি ,,

মায়া হতেই রজ / তম এ দুই-এর সৃজন , একি ।।

সুক্ষ্ম রাজস-বোধে স্থুল-জগত তৈরী হয় ,

বহুরূপে বহুনামে যে জগত প্রপঞ্চময় ।।

স্থির-শান্ত সাগরে যেমন বুদবুদ ভাসে ,,

তেমনি সচ্চিদানন্দ মধ্যে মায়ার জগত ভাসে ।।

বহির্দৃষ্টির আবরণ ও এই মায়ার ই গড়া,

সংসারের কারণ ও অন্তর্মনে-তা এ মায়ারই সৃষ্টি করা ।।

চৈতন্যের প্রতিবিম্ব কেবল সাক্ষীভাবেই ভাসে ,

আবার সাক্ষীচেতন থাকে আচ্ছাদনে মায়াময় তামসে ।।

অন্তর্মন অজ্ঞানতার আবরণে থাকে ঢাকা ,

সে আবরণ সরলেই চেতন কেবল শুদ্ধ -ফাঁকা ।।

সে আবরণের কারণেই ব্রহ্মকে নাম আর রূপে দেখি ,

হৃদয়ালোকে যা ছিন্ন হলেই কেবল ব্রহ্মই দেখি ।।

মায়া -ব্রহ্মের ভেদ হয় ,যখন কর্মজ জগত মেলায় ,

প্রপঞ্চ মেলালেই ব্রহ্মজ্ঞান প্রত্যক্ষ হয় ।।

পঞ্চবৈশিষ্ঠের প্রথম ত্রয়ে কেবল ব্রহ্ম ভাসে ,,

সৎ-চিদ-আনন্দে এক ব্রহ্ম ই আভাসে ।।

চতুর্থ পঞ্চমে কহি নাম আর রূপ ,,

এ দুটি ব্রহ্ম তো নয় ব্রহ্ম যে অরূপ ।।

সৎ -চিদ -আনন্দ পঞ্চভূতে আছে ,,

ব্যোম -মরুত, অগ্নি -অপ,ক্ষিতি তে মিশে আছে ।।

দেব পশু নর ব্রহ্মের ই রূপ বিশেষ ,

নাম আর রূপ কেবল জাগতিক দ্বৈত অশেষ ।।

তাই নাম রূপ ছেড়ে হৃদয়ে সত -চিদ-আনন্দ ধরো ,

সোহম্ - অন্তর্বাহিরে সদা অভ্যাস করো ।।

এ সমাধি স্থিতি ও নিম্নোক্ত দুই প্রকার যথা ,

সবিকল্প ও নির্বিকল্প এই দুই তথা ।।

সবিকল্পে ভিন্ন রহে জ্ঞাতা, জ্ঞান , জ্ঞাত ,,

নির্বিকল্পে তিন ই যেন একাকার অবিরত ।।

আবার দুই প্রকারে সবিকল্প সমাধিভাব আসে ,,

প্রথম সাক্ষীভাবে বস্তুধারনায় মননে ব্রহ্ম আভাসে ।।

আবার শব্দধারায় যখন সচিদানন্দ ফোটে,

সেটি ই সবিকল্পের দ্বিতীয় রূপ বটে ।।

যখন বস্তু -শব্দ বোধ হয় মিলেমিশে একাকার ,,

অকল্পনীয় পরমানন্দে সবই যেন হয় একাকার  ।।

এ যেন ব্রহ্মসমুদ্রে আমি-টুকুর হাবুডুবু খাওয়া ,,

এক সময় সমস্ত ফাঁকা আমি - র মিলিয়ে যাওয়া ।।

দ্বিপশিখাটি হাওয়া তে যেমনে হেলে-দোলে,,

নির্বিকল্পে নিষ্কম্প হয়ে যেমন জ্বলে ।।

সবিকল্পের রূপ-শব্দ -সমাধির পারে ,

স্থির অচঞ্চল  সমুদ্রে আত্মা নিজেরে প্রকাশ করে ।।

ধ্যানে এই ষষ্ঠ প্রকার সমাধি অভ্যাসে ,

পরমাত্মা দেহবোধের অতীত চেতনে ভাসে ।।

তত্পরে মন যখন যথা তথাতেই সমাধি ,

সে সমাধি ভাঙ্গেনা আর চলে নিরবধি ।।

পরমাত্মাকে জীবাত্মার এ সমাধিতেই অনুভব ,,

হৃদয়ের গাঁঠ খুলে -নিঃসন্দেহে -জীবন্মুক্ত স্বভাব ।।

The world we see, being seen by the eye, is drisya (object);the eye which sees it is drik ( subject). 

But the eye, being perceived by the mind is drisya (object) and the mind which sees it is drik (subject). 

 The mind, with its thoughts perceived by the Self, is drisya (object) and the Self is drik (subject). The Self cannot be drisya (object), not being perceived by anything else.  

The forms perceived are various, blue and yellow, gross and subtle, tall and short, and so on; but the eye that sees them remains one and the same. 

Similarly, the varying qualities of the eye, such as blindness, dullness and keenness and of the ears and other organs, are perceived by the mind singly.

 So, too, the various characteristics of the mind, such as desire, determination, doubt, faith, want of faith, courage, want of courage, fear, shyness, discrimination, good and bad, are all perceived by the Self singly. 

 This Self neither rises nor sets, neither increases nor decays. It shines of its own luminosity. It illumines everything else without the need for aid from other sources. 

Buddhi, as the sum total of the inner organs, in contact with the reflected consciousness has two aspects. One is called egoity and the other mind.  

This contact of the buddhi with the reflected consciousness is like the identity of a red-hot iron ball with fire. 

Hence the gross body passes for a conscious entity. The contact establishing identity between the ego and the reflected Consciousness, is of three kinds. 

*The identification of the ego with the reflected Consciousness is natural or innate. 

*The identification of the ego with the body is due to pastkarma. 

*The identification of the ego with the witness is due to ignorance. 

The natural or innate contact continues as long as the buddhi, but on realization of the Self it proves to be false.  

The third mentioned contact is broken when it is discovered by experience that there is no sort of contact of anything at all with the Self, which is Being.  

The second mentioned contact, that born of past karma, ceases to exist on the destruction of innate tendencies (vasanas) 

In the deep sleep state, when the body is inert, the ego is fully merged (in the causal ignorance). The ego is half manifest in the dream state, and its being fully manifest is the waking state. 

It is the mode or modification of thought (with its latent tendencies) that creates the inner world of dreams in the dream state and the outer world in the waking state. 

The subtle body, which is the material cause of mind and ego, experiences the three states and also birth and death. 

Maya of the causal body has its powers of projecting (rajas)and veiling (tamas). It is the projecting power that creates everything from the subtle body to the gross universe of names and forms.  

These are produced in the Sat-Chit-Ananda (Being-Consciousness-Bliss) like foam in the ocean.  

The veiling power operates in such a way that internally the distinction between subject and object cannot be perceived, and externally that betweenBrahman [?]and the phenomenal world. This indeed is the cause of samsara.  

The individual with his reflected light of Consciousness is the subtle body existing in close proximity with the Self that is thevyavaharika (the empirical Self).  

This individual character of the empirical Self appears in the witness or sakshi also through false superimposition. 

 But on the extinction of the veiling power (tamas) , the distinction between witness and the empirical Self becomes clear; and the superimposition also drops away.  

Similarly,Brahman shines as the phenomenal world of names and forms only through the effect of the veiling power which conceals the distinction between them.  

When the veiling ends, the distinction between the two is perceived, for none of the activities of the phenomenal world exist in Brahman. 

Of the five characteristics, Being, Consciousness, Bliss, name and form, the first three pertain to Brahman and name and form to the world.  

The three aspects of Being, Consciousness and Bliss exist equally in the five elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth and in devas (gods), animals, men, etc., whereas the names and forms are different.Therefore, be indifferent to names and forms, concentrate on Being-Consciousness-Bliss and constantly practisesamadhi (identity withBrahman) within the Heart or outside. 

This practice of samadhi (identity with Brahman ) is of two kinds: savikalpa (in which the distinction between knower, knowledge and known is not lost) and nirvikalpa (in which the above distinction is lost). 

Savikalpa samadhi again is of two kinds: that which is associated with words (sound), and meditation on one's own consciousness as the witness of thought forms such as desire, which is savikalpa samadhi (internal), associated with (cognizable) objects.  

Realizing one's Self as `I am Being-Consciousness-Bliss without duality, unattached, self-effulgent', is savikalpa samadhi (internal) associated with words (sound).  

Giving up both objects and sound forms of the aforesaid two modes of samadhi and being completely absorbed in the Bliss experienced by the realization of the Self is nirvikalpa samadhi (internal). In this state steady abidance is obtained, like the unflickering flame of a light kept in a place free from wind.  

So also, in the Heart, becoming indifferent to external objects of name and form and perceiving only Being of (or as) Sat, is savikalpa samadhi (external) associated with objects; and being aware continually of that Sat (true existence) as the unbroken single essence of Brahman is savikalpa samadhi (external) associated with words (sound).  

After these two experiences, Being, which is uninterrupted like the waveless ocean, is nirvikalpa samadhi (external).  

One who meditates should spend his time perpetually in these six kinds ofsamadhi. By these, the attachment to the body is destroyed and the mind that perpetually abides in the Supreme Self (paramatman ) wherever it may wander, is everywhere spontaneously insamadhi. 

 By this constant practice of samadhi, the supreme Self, who is both highest and lowliest, who encompasses Paramatman as well as jivatman is directly experienced, and then the knot of the Heart is loosened; all doubts are destroyed and all karmas (activities) cease too.


अवच्छिन्नश्चिदाभासस्तृतीयः स्वप्नकल्पितः ।  

विज्ञेयस्त्रिविधो जीवस्तत्राद्यः पारमार्थिकः ॥ ३२॥ 

 अवच्छेदः कल्पितः स्यादवच्छेद्यं तु वास्तवम् ।  

तस्मिन् जीवत्वमारोपाद्ब्रह्मत्वं तु स्वभावतः ॥ ३३॥ 

अवच्छिन्नस्य जीवस्य पूर्णेन ब्रह्मणैकताम् । 

तत्त्वमस्यादिवाक्यानि जगुर्नेतरजीवयोः ॥ ३४॥ 

 ब्रह्मण्यवस्थिता माया विक्षेपावृतिरूपिणी ।  

आवृत्यखण्डतां तस्मिन् जगज्जीवौ प्रकल्पयेत् ॥ ३५॥  

जीवो धीस्थचिदाभासो भवेद्भोक्ता हि कर्मकृत् ।  

भोग्यरूपमिदं सर्वं जगत् स्याद्भूतभौतिकम् ॥ ३६॥  

अनादिकालमारभ्य मोक्षात् पूर्वमिदं द्वयम् ।  

व्यवहारे स्थितं तस्मादुभयं व्यावहारिकम् ॥ ३७॥ 

चिदाभासस्थिता निद्रा विक्षेपावृतिरूपिणी । 

आवृत्य जीवजगती पूर्वे नूत्ने तु कल्पयेत् ॥ ३८॥ 

प्रतीतिकाल एवैते स्थितत्वात् प्रातिभासिके । 

न हि स्वप्नप्रबुद्धस्य पुनः स्वप्ने स्थितिस्तयोः ॥ ३९॥ 

प्रातिभासिकजीवो यस्तज्जगत् प्रातिभासिकम् ।

 वास्तवं मन्यतेऽन्यस्तु मिथ्येति व्यावहारिकः ॥ ४०॥ 

व्यावहारिकजीवो यस्तज्जगद्व्यावहारिकम् ।

 सत्यं प्रत्येति मिथ्येति मन्यते पारमार्थिकः ॥ ४१॥ 

पारमार्थिकजीवस्तु ब्रह्मैक्यं पारमार्थिकम् । प्रत्येति वीक्षते नान्यद्वीक्षते त्वनृतात्मना ॥ ४२॥ 

माधुर्यद्रवशैत्यानि नीरधर्मास्तरङ्गके । अनुगम्याथ तन्निष्टे फेनेऽप्यनुगता यथा ॥ ४३॥ 

साक्षिस्थाः सच्चिदानन्दाः सम्बन्धाद्व्यावहारिके । तद्द्वारेणानुगच्छन्ति तथैव प्रातिभासिके ॥ ४४॥ 

लये फेनस्य तद्धर्मा द्रवाद्याः स्युस्तरङ्गके ।

 तस्यापि विलये नीरे निष्ठन्त्येते यथा पुरा ॥ ४५॥ 

प्रातिभासिकजीवस्य लये स्युर्व्यावहारिके । तल्लये सच्चिदानन्दाः पर्यवस्यन्ति साक्षिणि ॥ ४६॥  


জাগরন, নিদ্রা আর সপ্নাবস্থা মধ্যে 

পরমার্থিক আত্মস্থিত কেবল নিদ্রামধ্যে ।। 

যদিও কেবল এক ধারনামাত্র তিনি , 

প্রকৃত-পরমাত্মা পরম একক যিনি ।।

সত্য অর্থে প্রকৃতিতে তিনিই এক ব্রাহ্মণ , 

কল্পিত আরোপ জীবাত্মার বাধক , হতে সেই পরম ।।  

তত্ত্বমসি -*তূমিই সেই * তা সেই পরমার্থিক জীবের তরে, 

যাহা বলা আছে শাস্ত্র/উপনিষদে - তা নয অপর কারো তরে ।। 

অনাদি মাযা তার নিজ তামস রাজস গূনে , 

ঢেকে রাখে সেই একক পরম অদ্বৈত ব্রাহ্মণে ।। 

সে ব্রাহ্মণই তোলেন গডি জীবাত্মাময এ জগৎ , 

জীব বুদ্ধিদ্বারা ভোগ করে এই জডজগৎ , 

হযে নিজ নাট্যানুষ্ঠানের  নিজেই নায়ক   ।। 

অনাদিকাল হতে মোক্ষ অবধি , 

জীবাত্মা জড়জগতের ব্যবহারিক উপস্থিতি ।।

নিদ্রামধ্যে চিদাকাশে এই মায়ার আবরণে, 

তৈরী হয় সপ্ন জীবাত্মার ঘুমন্ত চেতনে ।।

ঢাকি মায়া জীবাত্মা ও তার প্রপঞ্চ জগৎ, 

দেখায় তারে তাহা যাহা মিথ্যা কল্পবৎ ।। 

সপ্ন আর সে দর্শক যে করে সপ্ন অবলোকন , 

সপ্নমধ্যে সপ্নজগত সত্য এ ভ্রমে কালগমন ।। 

উধাও হয় সে জগৎ কেবল এক লহমায় , 

স্বপ্ন ভাঙিলেই সে মায়াও নিমিশে মিলায় ।। 

জাগ্রত চেতনসত্ত্বা চেনে দৃশ্য এ জগতে , 

সত্য ভাবি তাহে কাটায় কাল তার ভ্রমেতে ।। 

পরমার্থিক আত্মা হলে বিবেকে উপলব্ধ , 

জীবাত্মা থাকেনা আর মায়ায় আবদ্ধ ।। 

যা ভিন্ন জাগ্রত স্বপ্ন নিদ্রাস্থিতি হতে , 

তাহাই পরম জানি ভ্রমভঙ্গ হয়  উপলব্ধিতে ।। 

তখন সে চেতন অদ্বৈত আর দুই দেখেননা তিনি , 

দ্বৈতবোধ-ই মায়া তা বুঝিয়াছেন যিনি ।।  

জলের যা যা বৈশিষ্ট - মিষ্টত্ব , তরলতা এবং শীতলতা

জলের সেই গুণগুলি  জলের ফেনা ও ঢেউয়ের-ও বিশিষ্টতা ।। 

যেমত সচ্চিদানন্দ থাকেন সাক্ষী চেতনে , 

জাগ্রতে ব্যবহারিক জীবাত্মা- নিদ্রিতে স্বপ্ন বহি আনে ।।  

বৈশ্বানর তৈযস এ দুই ই চেতনায় আত্মসৃষ্ট ভ্রম , 

 সাক্ষীচেতনে ভ্রম কাটি শুধু থাকেন এক পরম ।। 

যেমত ফেনা শীতলতা লয়ে ঢেউয়ের সাথে মেশে , 

ঢেউ ফের তরলতা সাথে জলে মিলায় অবশেষে ... 

সাগরতো সাগর ই ছিল, তারি জল আসি তাহাতে মিলিল, 

আদিতে যা ছিল তাহাই রহিল -  গুণাতীত হয়ে শেষে ।। 

সেমত তৈযস স্বপ্নবস্তু সহ বৈশ্বানরে আসি মেলে , 

জাগ্রতচেতন জড়জগত সহ সাক্ষী চেতনে ফের মেলে .... 

পরমার্থ যা ছিল আদিতে তাহাই সেই চৈতন্যে , 

ফোটে - চমকায় অদ্বৈত পরমানন্দ সে চেতনে ।। 

Of the three modes of individual being, the limited self (as in deep sleep), the empirical self (as in the waking state) and the dreaming self, only the individual limited by the deep sleep state is the true Self(paramarthika). Even he is but an idea. The Absolute alone is the true Self.  

In reality and by nature he is Brahman itself, only superimposition creates the limitations of individuality in the Absolute. 

It is to the paramarthika jiva that the identity of Tat-tvam-asi (That thou art) and other great texts of the Upanishads applies, and not to any other.... 

The greatmaya (the superimposition without beginning) with her veiling and projecting power(tamas and rajas) veils the single indivisible Brahma and, in that Brahman, creates the world and individuals.  

The individual (jiva), a concept of the empirical self in the buddhi,is indeed the actor and enjoyer and the entire phenomenal world is its object of enjoyment. 

From time without beginning, till the attainment of liberation, individual and world have an empirical existence. They are both empirical. The empirical individual appears to have the power of sleep in the shape of the veiling and projecting powers. It is associated with Consciousness. 

 The power covers first the individual empirical self and the cognized universe, and then these are imagined in dream. These dream perceptions and the individual who perceives them are illusory, because they exist only during the period of dream experience. 

 We affirm their illusory nature, because on waking up from dream no one sees the dream, no one sees the dream objects.  

The dreaming self experiences the dream world as real, while the empirical self experiences the empirical world as real but, when the paramarthika jiva is realized, knows it to be unreal.  

The paramarthika jiva, as distinguished from those of the waking and dream experiences, is identical with Brahman. He has no `other'. If he does see any `other', he knows it to be illusory.  

The sweetness, liquidity, and coldness of water are characteristics present equally in waves and foam. So, too, the Being-Consciousness-Bliss character of the Self (theparamarthika) is present in the empirical self and through him in the dream self also, because of their being only illusory creations in the Self. The foam with its qualities, such as coldness, subsides in the waves, the waves with their characteristics, such as liquidity, subside in the water, and the ocean alone exists as at first. Similarly, the dream self and its objects are absorbed in the empirical self; then the empirical world with its characteristics is absorbed in the paramarthika and, as at first, Being-Consciousness-Bliss which is Brahman shines alone 


Sanskrit verses (भारती तीर्थ स्वामि ) ji 

English Translation by 

Sri Ramana Maharshi