Monday 8 September 2014

(16) * Kobitay Chandogya Upanishad * (Part 2 : Chaper 24 )

॥ चतुर्विंशः खण्डः ॥ 

ब्रह्मवादिनो वदन्ति यद्वसूनां प्रातः सवनँरुद्राणां माध्यन्दिनँसवनमादित्यानां च विश्वेषां च देवानां तृतीयसवनम् ॥ १ ॥
क्व तर्हि यजमानस्य लोक इति स यस्तं न विद्यात्कथं कुर्यादथ विद्वान्कुर्यात् ॥ २ ॥
पुरा प्रातरनुवाकस्योपाकरणाज्जघनेन गार्हपत्यस्योदाङ्मुख उपविश्य स वासवँसामाभिगायति ॥ ३ ॥
लो३कद्वारमपावा३र्णू ३३ पश्येम त्वा वयँरा ३३३३३ हु ३ म् आ ३३ ज्या ३ यो ३ आ ३२१११ इति ॥ ४ ॥
अथ जुहोति नमोऽग्नये पृथिवीक्षिते लोकक्षिते लोकं मे यजमानाय विन्दैष वै यजमानस्य लोक एतास्मि ॥ ५ ॥
अत्र यजमानः परस्तादायुषः स्वाहापजहि परिघमित्युक्त्वोत्तिष्ठति तस्मै वसवः प्रातःसवनँसंप्रयच्छन्ति ॥ ६ ॥
पुरा माध्यन्दिनस्य सवनस्योपाकरणाज्जघनेनाग्नीध्रीयस्योदङ्मुख उपविश्य स रौद्रँसामाभिगायति ॥ ७ ॥
लो३कद्वारमपावा३र्णू३३ पश्येम त्वा वयं वैरा३३३३३ हु३म् आ३३ज्या ३यो३आ३२१११इति ॥ ८ ॥
अथ जुहोति नमो वायवेऽन्तरिक्षक्षिते लोकक्षिते लोकं मे यजमानाय विन्दैष वै यजमानस्य लोक एतास्मि ॥ ९ ॥
अत्र यजमानः परस्तादायुषः स्वाहापजहि परिघमित्युक्त्वोत्तिष्ठति तस्मै रुद्रा माध्यंदिनँसवनँसंप्रयच्छन्ति ॥ १० ॥
पुरा तृतीयसवनस्योपाकरणाज्जघनेनाहवनीयस्योदङ्मुख उपविश्य स आदित्यँस वैश्वदेवँ सामाभिगायति ॥ ११ ॥
लो३कद्वारमपावा३र्णू३३पश्येम त्वा वयँ स्वारा ३३३३३ हु३म् आ३३ ज्या३ यो३आ ३२१११ इति ॥ १२ ॥
आदित्यमथ वैश्वदेवं लो३कद्वारमपावा३र्णू३३ पश्येम त्वा वयँसाम्रा३३३३३ हु३म् आ३३ ज्या३यो३आ ३२१११ इति ॥ १३ ॥
अथ जुहोति नम आदित्येभ्यश्च विश्वेभ्यश्च देवेभ्यो दिविक्षिद्भ्यो लोकक्षिद्भ्यो लोकं मे यजमानाय विन्दत ॥ १४ ॥
एष वै यजमानस्य लोक एतास्म्यत्र यजमानः परस्तादायुषः स्वाहापहत परिघमित्युक्त्वोत्तिष्ठति ॥ १५ ॥
तस्मा आदित्याश्च विश्वे च देवास्तृतीयसवनँसंप्रयच्छन्त्येष ह वै यज्ञस्य मात्रां वेद य एवं वेद य एवं वेद ॥ १६ ॥

দ্বিতীয় অধ্যায়
চতুর্বিংশ  খন্ড

বেদ ব্যাখ্যাকরগণ যাঁহারা করিয়াছেন ব্যাখ্যা ' ব্রাহ্মন'- এ ,
জিজ্ঞাসেন তাঁরা "প্রভাতত্সর্গ হয় বসুর তর্পনে ||
দিবাকালে তাহা উত্সর্গ করা হয় রুদ্রকে ,
আবার সন্ধ্যাকালে উত্সর্গ বিস্বদেবে আর আদিত্যকে ||
তবে কোন কোন লোক হয় বল যজ্ঞকারীর জন্য ,
কিকরে বা সে করে তর্পণ হয়ে  বিনা এই জ্ঞানে গণ্য" ||

উষাকালে মন্ত্র আবৃত্তি প্রারম্ভে   গার্হপত্যাগ্নি পশ্চাতে  উত্তরমুখী বসিয়া ,
কহিবে "তব লোক মোরে কর দান " বাসুরে আবাহন করিয়া ||
প্রনামী অগ্নি কহিবে "হে দেব , ধরিত্রী তব ক্ষেত্র ......
এতে দাও মরে অধিকার মৃত্যুপরে মিলিব আসিয়া অত্র " ||
তাঁরে দিয়া বসু এ ধরিত্রী করেন আশীষ দান ,
এরূপে পূর্ণ হয় তাঁর প্রভাতি -সাম -যজ্ঞ-আহুতি-গান ||

দিবাকালে বসি  দক্ষিনাগ্নি পশ্চাতে উত্তরে মুখ করি ,
সামগান তাঁর হয় শুরু রুদ্রেরে আবাহন করি ||
" হে অগ্নি খোল আকাশ মম তরে দিয়া পরশ -আশীষ-আলোক ,
যেন তব বলে পাই আমি সেই আকাশ-জগত-লোক " ||
তারপর তাঁর প্রার্থনা হয় বায়ুর আবাহনে ,
"হে দেব সে লোক যেন হয় মোর তথা গমনে " ||
রুদ্রের বলে পান তিনি সেই আকাশ-লোকের দান ,
এরূপে পূর্ণ হয় দিবাকালে যজ্ঞের সামগান ||

সন্ধ্যাকালে তিনি বসিবেন পশ্চাতে আহবানীয় -অগ্নির ,
সম্মুখ করি উত্তরদিক আবাহন বিশ্বদেব-আদিত্যাদির ||
হে অগ্নিদেব খোল মোর তরে স্বর্গলোকের দ্বার ,
আদিত্যাদি সাথে যেন তথা নিবাস হয় আমার " ||
এরপর সামগান করি বিশ্বদেবেরে সমর্পণ ,
"হে অগ্নিদেব সে সাম্রাজ্য যেন  হয় মোদের আপন " ||
এরপর আহুতি আদিত্য-বিশ্বদেবে, করিয়া এ প্রার্থনা -
স্বর্গলোক দান দিও মৃত্যুপরে এ মম বাসনা ||
"স্বাহা" করি পূর্ণ করেন তত্পরে যজ্ঞ-আহুতি ,,
ত্রিলোকদানের আশিষে দেবগনে দেন তাঁহাদের অনুমতি ||

এ যজ্ঞ-আহুতির ব্যাখ্যান যে যজ্ঞ কারীর জ্ঞাত ,
তিনিই জানেন সঠিক যজ্ঞ-কাঠামো ত্রিলোকে তিনি স্বাগত ||

[ Part Two : Chapter XXIV : The Different Planes attained by the Sacrificer :
The expounders of Brahman (the Vedas) ask - Since the morning oblation belongs to the Vasus, the midday oblation to the Rudras and the evening oblation to the Adityas and the Visvadevas, Where, then, is the world of the sacrificer? How can he perform the sacrifice who does not know this ? Only he who knows should perform it.
Before beginning the morning chant, the sacrificer, sitting behind the *Garhapatya Fire* facing the north, sings the Saman addressed to the Vasus "O Fire! Open the door of the earth-world. Let us see thee, that we may rule this earth" Then the sacrificer offers an oblation, reciting - "Adoration to Agni, who dwells in the earth-world! Secure this world for me.I will go there when this life is over". Thereafter the sacrificer chants: "Cast away the bolt of the earth-world." Having said this, he rises. To him the Vasus offer the world connected with the morning oblation.
Prior beginning the midday oblation, the sacrificer, sitting behind the *Dakshina Fire* ( this may also called as *agnidhriya fire* ) and facing the north, sings the Saman addressed to the Rudras ,"O Fire, please open the door of the sky-world. Let us see thee, that we may rule wide in the sky-world."
Then the sacrificer offers an oblation, reciting "Adoration to Vayu, who dwells in the sky-world! Secure this world for me. I will go there when this life is over " Afterwards the sacrificer chants ,"Cast away the bolt of the sky-world." Having said this, he rises. To him the Rudras offer the world connected with the midday oblation.
Before beginning the evening oblation, the sacrificer, sitting behind the *Ahavaniya Fire* and facing the north, sings the two Samans addressed to the Adityas and the Visva-devas- "O Fire! Open the door of the heaven-world. Let us see thee, that we may rule supreme in heaven." This is addressed to the Adityas. Next the Saman addressed to the Visvadevas: "O Fire! Open the door of the heaven-world. Let us see thee, that we may rule supreme in heaven." Then the sacrificer offers an oblation, reciting thus: "Adoration to Adityas and the Visvadevas, who dwell in the heaven-world. Please secure this world for me. I will go there when this life is over".Afterwards the sacrificer chants: "Cast away the bolt of the heaven-world." then he rises.
To him the Adityas and the Visvadevas offer the world connected with the third oblation. He-who knows this knows the measure/character of the sacrifice, yes, he knows !! ]

[** Note : Here is d description of three types of fire . As it is said in Vedas and further guided by Adi Shankara , there are sooo many yagna's mentioned. As it is important to mention the three types of kundas we see in sacrifices i.e. round shaped, semi round and squere shaped and the fire being brought frm one to another kunda :: we may hav quest in mind to know about them further.... so here this brief explanation given....

***One of the three sacred fires, one of the tretagni, is called "garhapatya" and it belongs to the master of the household. It must be kept burning in the garhapatya mound which is circular in shape. In this no oblations are to be made directly. Fire must be taken from it and tended in another mound for the performance of rites relating to the fathers (this is different from the usual sraddha and is ritual performed to the manes every new moon) and also for certain deities. This mound is in the south, so it is called "daksinagni" and it is semicircular in shape. Offerings to deities are made generally in a third fire in the east called "ahavaniya" and it is also to kindled from the garhapatya fire. In the North any yaga or sacrificial rite is called a "havan", the word being derived from "ahavaniya". The ahavaniya mound is square in shape. Big sacrifices like somayajnas and other meant to propitiate deities are to be conducted in the fire taken from the ahavaniya mound to the yagnasala or the hall where a sacrifice is held. ]

[ PIC - Homa at our old house temple : Shovabazar ]

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