Sunday 7 September 2014

Advaita and Avataran


" OM namaste sate sarvalokaashrayaaya,
namaste chite vishvaruupaatmakaaya...
namo.advaitatattvaaya muktipradaaya
namo brahmaNe vyaapine nirguNaaya .... "
(We Bow to You O Eternal Soul ; You are the shelter of all universes. We bow to You O eternal wisdom; You are in the shape of all the universe. We bow to You O Eternal Non-Dualist Soul, You are the master of Emancipation. We bow to You O Eternal Soul, You are all pervading and above all attributes.)

!!Jai Bhagavan !!

Today we are assembled here to discuss on the very theme 'World Peace' on light of Advaita n presentation now is on * Advaita and Avataran *

Now-a-days often we get to hear - "The spiritual world has become a market place. Loads of courses ,materials, classes, explanations, marketing n on n on. I say - Yes !! Indeed this World is A beautiful Market made by God where everything belongs to HIM :-) Cost to get something is our *Choice* ; He makes His products available  to us accordinly.... He bestows.
And if that choice is fr the Ultimate - HE bestows That !!
That choice too comes frm Him !! And again without His Will ,His Grace, choosing *to know God and to realize Him* is impossible.

Questions may come
"Who is He - the God ?
and Who shall tell ?
= God, is the supreme state of conciousness, The Bramhan.
God is Being.... God is Bliss.
Indeed The One can show us that - who knows. One - who is 'One with GOD' , for whom the name and the form dont exists.... Who is Advaita, and we call them  *Avataars*.

In today's world which is based on Sciencific explanations can we believe on the concept of Avatar n Avataran ?
Answer is YES !! and that is by *faith* . That faith which is unshaken. It cannot be cultivated only by practice or understanding . Our intellect may know just a part of it and rest comes by realizing the tattva and realization comes by grace.
We all hav heard that sutra -
"भिद्यते हृदयग्रंथिः छिद्यंते सर्वसंशयाः।
क्षीयंते चास्यकर्माणि तस्मिन्दृष्टो परावरे ।।"
(Having a glimpse of whom every knot get open up , clouds of doubt get pierced, karma -the impressions get washed off... ) It is not anyone sitting up above in the sky but The One who is holding such power of infinity in the finite body is avataar !!

Here comes Rama - Krishna, The jagadgurus...Avatar and Avataran happens in every age.

I quote Bhagavan here what He said on last Gurupoornima " 30 years i couldnot hav time to think anything except HIM. "
How is this possible !! Fr whom it is possible !! Is this possible fr vaishvanara, Taijasa or even in state of pragna ? not possible.
* Living nirguna Brahman * !! Could we ever imagine to see, to meet such soul ? Living in such state of feeling doing nothing and at the same time spreading divine aura of 'love' all around !! It is possible alone n alone in 'Turia' . History has witnessed that state. Starting frm Rama, Krishna, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Ramana Maharshi , In RamaKrishna. That state ,what we know as 'advaita' , and named - 'avatar '.

Coming into the world holding that God's particle, that infinite energy within a finite body is 'Avataran'. The purpose of 'Avataran' in every era is to spread 'Peace' , to spread 'love'. Without holding the highest essence ' oneness ' which cannot be done.

Then How could we know One is Avatar ? How we can identify one as 'Bhagavan' ?

One who frm early childhood lives without worldly desire. Who wishes 'God' and 'God' alone. Who has never distracted by any worldly affair or matter. Whose life itself reflects 'Dharma'. Who is embodiment of 'Love'. He is avataar !!

"Tara boley gelo khoma koro sobe - bole gelo bhalobaso - antar hote biddesh bish nasho"
Msg by avatars in every era is the same. Forgive by removing the poison of hatred frm thy heart. Love Everyone. Reflected that philosophy frm the early age in the sutra - " Om dhrite drinha ma mitrashya chakshusha, Satvani bhutani samikshantam || Mitrashyahang chakshusha sarvani bhutani samikshe , mitrashya chakshusha samikshamahe || "
( May the World be our friend, may we belong to the World, May we be free frm hatred and violence, May we hav that vision - we love the world and world loves us. )
Being One with the whole world, We hav seen that principle in Ramana, in Sri Ramakrishna in recent time. And we are seeing in another - in 'Bhagvan' - NOW.

They all had that one essence of 'Om So- Ham"
YES !! I am that !! thou their art !!

I may chant and we may chant "So-Ham" But telling this - endorse it by the presence !! Only they can who ARE !! Ramakrishna said " One who is Ram He is Krishna - In this body He is RamaKrishna "
The call  'Bhagavan' - speaks everything !!

!! Jay !!

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