Saturday 6 December 2014

(28) *kobitay Chandogya Upanishad *( Part 4, Ch 5)

॥ चतुर्थोऽध्यायः ॥
॥ पञ्चमः खण्डः ॥
अथ हैनमृषभोऽभ्युवाद सत्यकाम
इति भगव इति ह प्रतिशुश्राव प्राप्ताः सोम्य सहस्रँ स्मः प्रापय न आचार्यकुलम् ॥ १ ॥
ब्रह्मणश्च ते पादं ब्रवाणीति ब्रवीतु मे भगवानिति तस्मै होवाच प्राची दिक्कला प्रतीची दिक्कला दक्षिणा दिक्कलोदीची दिक्कलैष वै सोम्य चतुष्कलः पादो ब्रह्मणः प्रकाशवान्नाम ॥ २ ॥
स य एतमेवं विद्वाँश्चतुष्कलं पादं ब्रह्मणः प्रकाशवानित्युपास्ते प्रकाशवानस्मिँल्लोके भवति प्रकाशवतो ह लोकाञ्जयति य एतमेवं विद्वाँश्चतुष्कलं पादं ब्रह्मणः प्रकाशवानित्युपास्ते ॥ ३ ॥

|| চতুর্থ অধ্যায় || 
  || পঞ্চম খন্ড ||
যেমত গাভী সংখ্যায় এক সহস্র হলো ,
এক বৃষ আসিয়া সত্যকামে এ কহিল !!

মোরা এখন এক সহস্র হয়েছি গুনতিতে,
এখন মোদের নিয়ে ফেরো গুরুগৃহেতে ..

জানাইব আমি এক পদ ব্রহ্মের তোমারে,
'প্রকাশাভাত ' বলি জানি  মোরা যাহারে !!

পূব দক্ষিন পশ্চিম উত্তর, এ চারি ভাগ নিয়ে -
রহেন তিনি উদ্ভাসিত প্রকাশ- জ্যোতি হয়ে !!

যিনি হন এ জ্ঞানে জ্ঞাত , ধরেন ইহায় ধ্যান ,,
সদা জ্যোতির্ময় রহেন তিনি , বিজয়ী মহান !!

Part 4
Chapter 5 
( Instruction by the Bull )
** As in the earlier chapters we hav discussed about Satyakama n how , following the instruction of His teacher Gautama He lived in the forest until the cows become thousand in number.
Here in this chapter the bull of the herd , instructed satyakama about truth....**

The bull of the herd, addressing him, said: "Satyakama!"
"Revered Sir!" Satyakama replied.
The bull said: "Dear friend, we have become a thousand, take us to teacher’s house.
I will declare to you one foot of Brahman."
"Declare it, Revered Sir."
The bull said to him: "The east is one quarter, the west is one quarter, the south is one quarter, the north is one quarter. This, dear friend, is foot of Brahman, consisting of four quarters and this foot is called Prakasavat (shining). He who knows this and meditates on the foot of Brahman consisting four quarters as shining, becomes shining on this earth. He conquers shining worlds.... He who knows this and meditates on the foot of Brahman consisting of four quarters as shining....

(Next day we shall see the other quarters explained by fire n the birds...
To be continued....)

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