Monday 15 December 2014

(32) *Kobitay Chandogya Upanishad* (Part-4, Ch 11-13)

॥ चतुर्थोऽध्यायः ॥ 
॥ एकादशः खण्डः ॥
अथ हैनं गार्हपत्योऽनुशशास पृथिव्यग्निरन्नमादित्य इति य एष आदित्ये पुरुषो दृश्यते सोऽहमस्मि स एवाहमस्मीति ॥ १ ॥
स य एतमेवं विद्वानुपास्तेऽपहते पापकृत्यां लोकी भवति सर्वमायुरेति ज्योग्जीवति नास्यावरपुरुषाः क्षीयन्त उप वयं तं भुञ्जामोऽस्मिँश्च लोकेऽमुष्मिँश्च य एतमेवं विद्वानुपास्ते ॥ २ ॥

॥ द्वादशः खण्डः ॥
अथ हैनमन्वाहार्यपचनोऽनुशशासापो दिशो नक्षत्राणि चन्द्रमा इति य एष चन्द्रमसि पुरुषो दृश्यते सोऽहमस्मि स एवाहमस्मीति ॥ १ ॥
स य एतमेवं विद्वानुपास्तेऽपहते पापकृत्यां लोकीभवति सर्वमायुरेति ज्योग्जीवति नास्यावरपुरुषाः क्षीयन्त उप वयं तं भुञ्जामोऽस्मिँश्च लोकेऽमुष्मिँश्च य एतमेवं विद्वानुपास्ते ॥ २ ॥

॥ त्रयोदशः खण्डः ॥
अथ हैनमाहवनीयोऽनुशशास प्राण आकाशो द्यौर्विद्युदिति य एष विद्युति पुरुषो दृश्यते सोऽहमस्मि स एवाहमस्मीति ॥ १ ॥
स य एतमेवं विद्वानुपास्तेऽपहते पापकृत्यां लोकीभवति सर्वमयुरेति ज्योग्जीवति नास्यावरपुरुषाः क्षीयन्त उप वयं तं भुञ्जामोऽस्मिँश्च लोकेऽमुष्मिँश्च य एतमेवं विद्वानुपास्ते ॥ २ ॥

|| চতুর্থ অধ্যায় ||  
||  একাদশ খন্ড ||
গার্হপস্থ্য অগ্নি তারে জানালেন এবার ,
" ধরিত্রী,অগ্নি,অন্ন,সূর্য - জেনো রূপ আমার !!
সূর্যমধ্যে যারে দেখো সেই আমি নিশ্চয় ,
এ অগ্নিতে ধরিয়া ধ্যান পাপকর্ম - মুক্তি হয় ||

সে যোগ্যতায় হন তিনি এ লোকের অধিকারী ,
অক্ষয় পরমায়ু আর তেজ হয় তাহারি ||
বিনষ্ট না কভু হয় তার বংশধরগণ ,
দুইলোকে সেই ধ্যানী সমান সুখে রন.... !!

|| চতুর্থ অধ্যায় ||
|| দ্বাদশ খন্ড ||
অন্বাহার্য অগ্নি কহেন জল, ভাগ,তারা আর
চন্দ্র, চারি রূপ - এ লোক যে আমার ....
চাঁদের মধ্যে যাঁরে দেখো আমি সে নিশ্চয় ,
ইহাতে ধ্যান ধরিলে অন্বাহার্য-অগ্নিলোক তাঁহার হয় ||
পরমায়ু আর দীপ্তিতে তিনি হন যে অক্ষয় ,
এ অগ্নিতে ধরিয়া ধ্যান পাপকর্ম - মুক্তি হয় ||
বংশধারা বয়ে চলে তার হয়না কভু ক্ষয় ||
ইহলোক আর পরলোকে আমি হই তাঁর সহায় ||

|| চতুর্থ অধ্যায় || 
|| ত্রয়োদশ খন্ড ||
আহ্বানীয় অগ্নি তারে শিখাইলেন এবার ,
প্রাণ, আকাশ, স্বর্গ, বিদ্যুত -এই  চারি  রূপ আমার ||
দেখো যারে বিদ্যুত-ঝলকে সেই আমি-ই নিশ্চয় ,
ইহাতে ধ্যান ধরিলে আহ্বানীয় -অগ্নিলোক তাঁহার হয় ||
পরমায়ু আর দীপ্তিতে তিনি হন যে অক্ষয় ,
এ অগ্নিতে ধরিয়া ধ্যান তাঁর পাপকর্ম - মুক্তি হয় ||
বংশধারা বয়ে চলে তা হয়না কভু ক্ষয়....
ইহলোক আর পরলোকে আমি হই তাঁর সহায় ||

|| Part 4 ||
Chapter XI 
(Instruction by the Household Fire )

Next the Garhapatya Fire taught him: "The earth, fire, food and the sun are my forms. The person that is seen in the sun-I am he, I am he indeed.

He who, knowing this, meditates on the fire frees himself from sinful actions, obtains the World of the Garhapatya Fire, reaches his full age and lives brightly. His descendants do not perish. We support him in this world and in the other who, knowing this, meditates on the fire.  

Chapter 12
(Instruction by the Southern Fire )

Then the Anvaharya (Southern) Fire taught him: "Water, the quarters, the stars and the moon are my forms. The person that is seen in the moon-I am he, I am he indeed.

He who, knowing this, meditates on the fire frees himself from sinful actions, obtains the World of the Anvaharya Fire, reaches his full age and lives brightly. His descendants do not perish. We support him in this world and in the other who, knowing this, meditates on the fire.

Chapter 13
( Instruction by the Ahavaniya Fire)

Then the Ahavaniya Fire taught him: "The prana, the akaha, heaven and lightning are my forms. The person that is seen in lightning-I am he, I am he indeed.

He who, knowing this, meditates on the fire frees himself from sinful actions, obtains the World of the Ahvaniya Fire, reaches his full age and lives brightly. His descendants do not perish. We support him in this world and in the other who, knowing this, meditates on the fire."


  1. Words can never capture experience of bliss of knowing one gets in meditation. Sounds so flat with best of efforts to express in English , too inferior a language for this purpose. But one should be grateful to this effort because majority at least may understand a bit.But with limited understanding through English , one should not try to judge this scripture which has knowledge much beyond even the most erudite scholar of Sanskrit. Only a person after tremendous effort over long years of study and contemplation , if Sri Narayana grants with grace, sudenly a experience the blissful glory of jnana within! Cannot be expressed in words.

  2. Thank yu rajaramji fr your precious view. These upanishada posts are fr the common ppl in bengal. Who read and understand bengali only, and they are in Bengali poetry.

    As requested and suggested by many, one of them is prof. S. Baidyanathan, i am adding the eng translation of the verses alongwith these poems....
    There are few beautiful poetic -chalisha like verses popular in Rural Bengal. 'Lakkhir Panchali' is one among them.
    Thought , if the upanisada could be in that easy form- at least it would bring the thirst in few hearts to read vedanta.
    Regards !!
