Saturday 30 August 2014

(10) *Kobitay Chandogya Upanishad* Prothom Adhyay : Dwados O Trayodos Khondo

|| प्रथमोऽध्यायः ||
॥ द्वादशः खण्डः ॥ 

अथातः शौव उद्गीथस्तद्ध बको दाल्भ्यो ग्लावो वा मैत्रेयः स्वाध्यायमुद्वव्राज ॥ १ ॥

तस्मै श्वा श्वेतः प्रादुर्बभूव तमन्ये श्वान उपसमेत्योचुरन्नं नो भगवानागायत्वशनायाम वा इति ॥ २ ॥

तान्होवाचेहैव मा प्रातरुपसमीयातेति तद्ध बको दाल्भ्यो ग्लावो वा मैत्रेयः प्रतिपालयाञ्चकार ॥ ३ ॥

ते ह यथैवेदं बहिष्पवमानेन स्तोष्यमाणाः सँरब्धाः सर्पन्तीत्येवमाससृपुस्ते ह समुपविश्य हिं चक्रुः ॥ ४ ॥

ओ३मदा३मों३पिबा३मों३ देवो वरुणः प्रजापतिः सविता३न्नमिहा२हरदन्नपते३ऽन्नमिहा२हरा२हरो३मिति ॥ ५ ॥

Part One
Chapter XII
*Dogs Singing Udgitha in order to get food *

Erpor dekho Sarmeya-kul Udgith dekhe kemone,
Ekoda Dalbhya Baka aar jaare loke
Maitreya Glava bole jaane,
Gelo tara bahire sikhite veder paath,
Eso dekhi kemone udghatilo Saromeye ved-paath...

Ek swet sarameya dristite elo
saathe taar anek sathi,,
Bole tara sei swet-nayake tader
mora khudhartho oti...
Ene daao aaj khadhyo amader
geye tomar se gaan,
tumi-e moder ek bhorosa bachao se sonmaan...

Sei saramey kohe annyo tahar sathigoney,
Pribhate ese melo amar sathe tthick eikhaane...
Dui vedpaathi dekhe chupchap setha tader aasa,
Kikorey se gaan, gahibe sarameyo
se tader jiggasa...

Bahispavamana gahite jemone purohitgon hathe hath dhore choley,,
Sarmeyodol setha temone asiya bosiya 'Him'-kaar kore...

"Om!! amra khaddyo pai jeno, Om peyo saathe paai jeno,,
Om,Surjodev,Varuna, Prajapati,Savitir ahaarjo den jeno...
He Anner dev surjo ekhane asiya khuddha metan amader,,
Anno aniya tini bachan je praan ei abhuktoder..."
' Om!! '

[ Once two pupil named Dalbhya Baka n Maitreya Glava went outskirts of their village to learn Veda practically. They got to see a white dog and his followers. Those dogs were urging their leader to pray n to bring food fr them by singing..The white dog then asked the other dogs to come right there in the morning together.
Both the pupil were astonished seeing this n they waited to see what would happen. Next morning as ppl sing 'bahispavamana' holding n moving one another's hand together in a group, the dogs too came n sat there chanting together. They were asking frm Sun God and other demigods offering prayer and with 'Om'.
First they all chanted 'Him' together, then they said- " *Om* we might get food n drink as we are hungry.
Sun God, Varuna, Prajapati, Savitir may bring food fr us. The God of food may appear here with food fr us. Om." ]

|| प्रथमोऽध्यायः ||
॥ त्रयोदशः खण्डः ॥

अयं वाव लोको हाउकारः वायुर्हारकारश्चन्द्रमा अथकार आत्मेहकारोऽग्निरीकारः ॥ १ ॥

आदित्य ऊकारो निहव एकारो विश्वे देवा औहोयिकारः प्रजापतिर्हिङ्कारः प्राणः स्वरोऽन्नं या वाग्विराट् ॥ २ ॥

अनिरुक्तस्त्रयोदशः स्तोभः सञ्चरो हुङ्कारः ॥ ३ ॥

दुग्धेऽस्मै वाग्दोहं यो वाचो दोहोऽन्नवानन्नादो भवति य एतामेवँसाम्नामुपनिषदं वेदोपनिषदं वेदेति ॥ ४ ॥

Part One
Chapter XIII
*The Mystical Meaning of the Stobha Syllables*

Prithivi hoy je 'hau' akshar,
'hai' holo batas,
Chandra 'atha' , Agni 'i', 'iha'
atma-akkhor nirjaas..

Surjo holo 'u' aar *invocation* 'e',
Visve-devra hoyechen 'au---ho---i ',,
Projapati 'him' kaar Prana holo 'svar'
Anno 'ya' aar Virat 'vak' ei rohosyo-akshar....

Trayodas 'stobha' jaar akshaar holo 'hum',
Ei tero povitro aaksharagune Sama je porom...

E sama-r gupto gyan aache jaar kache,
Vakshokti dugdhamrito acche tahar bosey...
Tini hon aharjer adhikaari bhoktao
je tini,
Ei akshar-saar vidhya ropto korechen jini....

[ This Earth is verily 'hau' ,the air is 'hai' ,the moon is 'atha', the self is the syllable iha; the fire is 'i'.
The sun is the syllable 'u',the invocation is 'e',the Visve-devas are the syllable 'au—ho—i' Prajapati is the syllable 'him',the prana the syllable'svara', food is  'ya',Virat is 'vak' and indefinable is the thirteenth stobha, namely, the variable syllable 'hum'.
He,who knows this secret knowledge of the Samans,his speech yields milk and milk is speech. He becomes the possessor and the eater of food—he who knows this.... ]

!! Om !!

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