Saturday 3 January 2015

Bhagavan - As I know Him

World is a stage and we are merely players performing our own own role given to us. Something is working behind, something is always guiding us to walk ahead, showing light to the travellers. A supreme power , an energy which is unknown - cannot be understood well. We, the Hindus named the energy as 'Bhagavan'/'Ishwara'.

For atheists - it would be funny to read such an article, they even don't believe upon any super-power ; so , it naturally would go beyond their head. But i say, even then, as we cannot exist without living in any organization - they should read about this in order to know how such organizations are formed and work selflessly and tirelessly towards making a progressive ,loving, and caring society - what once, swami vivekananda under His Guru has formed and dreamt further.

Swami Vivekananda wrote a letter to Swami Shivananda in 1894 where he mentioned 'I hav no doubt that 'Thakur' could be considered even as the 'Father of God'.
'Father of God' !! Who could hav been that except the paramhansa himself !!
Conciousness even beyond our perception of the 'Highest Conciousness' according to Hindu Vedanta 'Chaitanya' concept. Even far far beyond the Demigods/Minor Gods.
What that level of conciousness IS ?? What are the signs which srikes in one's mind ??
Ved-Vedanta-Vedanga all the knowledge gets easily transmitted ?? Reading whom the shastras too get cristal-clear ??

Here comes the confusion, commotion and the clearence !! There may come many questions, many doubts and many debates....A presense cannot be proved, it has to be felt. Like there is difference between trustworthy/ truthful and the TRUTH itself.

Hinduism gives approval to 'incurnation' still there is so much doubt in our mind about it's acceptance. Our mind doesn't get ready to accept anything without proof and in the other way God /Bhagavan doesn't need our approval.

Today we are not going to logically prove an incurnation. But we are here to talk about the experiences ppl get coming in touch with such a tremendous power, in presence of such energy ,, holding even a particle of it in the heart - life transforms into its highest glow .
Such a LIVING GRACE is Bhagavan.

We often talk with orthodox concept about interacting ppl in age of social media.
Matter is of discussion among the social activist and councellors what is good or bad about virtual world ....but through this too one could innitially start one's journey as a seeker. Life is more than sitting idle enjoying eating/sleeping at home or working like a puppet to earn money.
Lifes motto is to know its realm, purpose and its source. Searching on this media too if ones focus is upon what to find - that only comes visible. And here comes this beautiful true-story of my first meeting with 'Bhagavan'. 

Three and half years back once i suddenly got to see a post by a swamiji 'today going to see Bhagavan'. I didnot know him well except facebook but the word he wrote 'Bhagavan' pulled me towards an unknown destiny . I expressed my wish that i too want to see whom he is calling 'Bhagavan', he gave me directions how to go and at the evening i could meet Him.
When i was about to go-mother shouted at me,  "hav yu lost your intellect ? unknown ppl ....hw do yu dare to go there ? Via facebook ?? They may not be good ppl,yu know "
I gave her a smile in return and nothing that day could stop that meeting with 'Bhagavan'.

I was expecting to see a man with long beard, feeble, thin, sitting on a throne. But when swamiji took me upto His room - what i saw, was completely opposite.
A tall and stout man, very simple, clean shaved, might be of my father's age or little less, wearing dhoti and a shirt standing at the corner of that room. When i entered, he asked me to take seat. There was a chair kept on the floor....i was hazitating to sit while He is standing... i hav seen gurus sitting and visitors are offered a smaller chair than the guru , or simply not asked to sit even , or many times we see guru on a special chair and the disciples on the floor near his feet .... what is this then !! ?? I didnot even know how shall i call him ? Guruji ? He is not like that !! Not like a guru !! He is very different. Can i call him uncle ? How stupid that would be, i thought. He said dont hesitate, I am comfortable standing n talking,hav your seat."  I sat quietly on the chair. Swamiji took his sit near the door and on the floor. No ego of being swami, no diff between  known and unknown !!

Conversation started. At starting, He was addressing me 'apni'(aap) which was very formal in its approach. As we bengalis do commonly adress younger ppl as 'tumi', i asked him to call me so. He said showing swamiji - "Look at him. Without my single word, he understands what i want to say. Day, when yu will be able to understand what i wish to say without listening to my words , i shall then call yu too 'tumi' but not now.
I cannot remember how n since when he started to call me tumi. Probably frm that or the very next time i visited Him. 

He was walking and talking to me. Innitially we started with introduction,spirituality, philosophy. Passive discussion was on just to share views. After few words He asked - "now tell me what yu wish to know."

That time though on several occassion informally i got to meet one or two renowned masters of the era , i was not innitiated or associated  by /with any. His voice had such a belongingness- that made me open my heart before Him.
I dont know how could i address Him as father on the very first meeting - but undoubtably i could feel the hidden affection in His strong personality and voice. I said '' Baba, i am born as Guruvanshaj. I hav every right to sit on that chair after my uncle who is the present one in the parampara. But without realizing God, i shall not teach anyone about God. I am a principal and a teacher by profession. I hav never taught my pupil what i do not know. I never hasitate to say 'i dont know' in case i do not know something. I truly wish to realize God.
He was listening. Without speaking a word. And telling this when i looked up , looked into His eyes, i really can not explain what was there. That has opened a gate, that every barrier was broken and i said what exactly was hidden within. I said ' i too wish, i sit at the feet of Him whom i consider Guru and could learn frm Him ,, but as that one is a celebrity - probably i dont get the chance to hav that opportunity in my life. And the uncontrolled tears rolled down.How and fr what i didnot know. Suddenly a deep voice starts speaking....
" there are many who comes often with prayers fr money fame job children family but rarely someone comes and cry for God or Guru. I kniw because i hav cried - fr Guru.... fr years, before i got Him. Cry as much as yu can .... That is kept fr yu. Just ask - it will come."
I didnot know that day what was there fr me in the store. Today writing this too i do not know, i feel we are no-one to know, He, the almighty makes us to know when the time comes. It is He who put us at the right place - it is He who plays with the time and the ppl both and we are merely the puppet in His hands. 

At that time , if i look back and speak honestly, i find there was desire somewhere hidden in the mind - desire to embrace Godliness and Glamour together at a time. The world which seemed as glittering gold. I am not a liar to myself or anybody from the beginning. It could be graceful if i could able to narrate this with impressive words but i wont do that. A man may have several stages - time to time in his conciousness - and i dont hav any right to distort a natural journey of a seeker - seems good or bad.
He made me to pass through my wish, my desire. And to make me discriminate between the worlds - real and unreal. He answered my immediate prayer and served all types of dishes on my plate to taste.To see, to feel, to know...

We all hav heard about the theorem ' neti' 'neti' but unless we are at the position to feel i am not this - 'neti' kept as a taught concept without application. Fear, hatred, good/ bad treatment , whatever experiences comes - comes as blessings to find the witness beyond them . Without feeling bondage frm where the ultimate craving fr liberation could be there fr any ? Time shall pass watching beautiful fun filled movie untill that time when we shall count our breath at the final bell of dismissal.

Almighty made everything available in my dream and also made me to wake up in the dream itself.
Whenever thereafter i visited Him, everytime i discovered Him new. Everytime i came infront of Him - with the experiences of that quarter i came new. The journey continued in an unknown way words will fell short to describe ..... Can it be possible to describe Him anyways !! 

Sometimes again....when i find more words to describe the next......till then... we say 'Jai' to Truth to The lord to  'Bhagavan ' who completes 74 on the day i started writing this 3rd of January !! 


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