Friday 30 January 2015

Avadhuta Gita (preface)

Reading Avadhuta Gita, i found a loads of similarities between Astavakra Gita and Avadhuta Gita. Disciple hv asked n master explained...that too in form of songs. We cannot speak about Him who is beyond our thoughts and imaginations. So, wherever masters hav spoken about God, they had to take the support of a mystic tune . Even a lyricist first has to be one with music. Music comes first in his mind , and then he is able to wrap the words on it. So does most of the poets. 

Without music in one's heart  - nothing could even been created. And that music too is delivered into the ears, that only is able to create masterpiece. Astavakra was a song. Avadhuta too is a song.
Song of God , By - God Himself. One who was singing, was in samadhi. Who is listening too is in samadhi. Then only it could be caught. In complete bliss of Brahman, of Oneself.  

Avadhuta is defined as 'Song of the Purified'.It is believed that lord ** Dattatreya, the son of Atri and Anasuya, was an incarnation of Brahma Vishnu and Shiva**   

Here is A talk by Swami Vivekananda (RECORDED BY MISS S. E. WALDO, A DISCIPLE) on SUNDAY, July 28, 1895 .

"All knowledge depends upon calmness of mind."

"He who has filled the universe, He who is Self in self, how shall I salute Him!"

To know the Atman as my nature is both knowledge and realisation. "I am He, there is not the least doubt of it."
"No thought, no word, no deed, creates a bondage for me. I am beyond the senses, I am knowledge and bliss."

There is neither existence nor non-existence, all is Atman. Shake off all ideas of relativity; shake off all superstitions; let caste and birth and Devas and all else vanish. 

Why talk of being and becoming? Give up talking of dualism and Advaitism!

When were you two, that you talk of two or one? The universe is this Holy One and He alone. 

Talk not of Yoga to make you pure; you are pure by your very nature. 

None can teach you.Men like him who wrote this song are what keep religion alive.
They have actually realised; they care for nothing, feel nothing done to the body, care not for heat and cold or danger or anything. 

They sit still and enjoy the bliss of Atman, while red-hot coals burn their body, and they feel them not.

"When the threefold bondage of knower, knowledge, and known ceases, there is the Atman."

"Where the delusion of bondage and freedom ceases, there the Atman is."

"What if you have controlled the mind, what if you have not? What if you have money, what if you have not? You are the Atman ever pure. Say, 'I am the Atman. No bondage ever came near me. I am the changeless sky; clouds of belief may pass over me, but they do not touch me.'"

"Burn virtue, burn vice. Freedom is baby talk. I am that immortal Knowledge. I am that purity."

"No one was ever bound, none was ever free. There is none but me. I am the Infinite, the Ever-free. Talk not to me! What can change me, the essence of knowledge! Who can teach, who can be taught?"

Throw argument, throw philosophy into the ditch."

Only a slave sees slaves, the deluded delusion, the impure impurity."

Place, time causation are all delusions. It is your disease that you think you are bound and will be free. You are the Unchangeable. 

Talk not. Sit down and let all things melt away, they are but dreams. There is no differentiation, no distinction, it is all superstition; therefore be silent and know what you are." I am the essence of bliss. "

Follow no ideal, you are all there is. Fear naught, you are the essence of existence. Be at peace. Do not disturb yourself. You never were in bondage, you never were virtuous or sinful. Get rid of all these delusions and be at peace. Whom to worship? Who worships? All is the Atman. To speak, to think is superstition. Repeat over and over, "I am Atman", "I am Atman". Let everything else go.....

(Source - swamiji's talk no 7 on avadhuta Gita )

Today, before i start, i shall show How AG (AvadhutaGita) has come in a conversation , when i started translating Astavakra. Without the will - nothing is possible. Again he prepares us fr the right time fr thr right thing. As i hav taken His msg seriously n worked on it.... i hope yu all too shall find sometime to read this series. It is said they, who mindfully listen or read these verses realize who they are. 

Gratitude to my father who has cleared few doubts on some verses.

 So, now we are ready to sing another song. Avadhuta Gita. Harder than AG, yet when it calls, one effortlessly get absorbed into it. 

Verses - frm tomorrow.....

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