Sunday 18 January 2015

(36) *Kobitay Chandogya Upanishad * Part 5,Ch 1 (slokas 1-5)

॥ पञ्चमोऽध्यायः ॥
॥ प्रथमः खण्डः ॥
यो ह वै ज्येष्ठं च श्रेष्ठं च वेद ज्येष्ठश्च ह वै श्रेष्ठश्च भवति प्राणो वाव ज्येष्ठश्च श्रेष्ठश्च ॥ १ ॥ 

यो ह वै वसिष्ठं वेद वसिष्ठो ह स्वानां भवति वाग्वाव वसिष्ठः ॥ २ ॥

यो ह वै प्रतिष्ठां वेद प्रति ह तिष्ठत्यस्मिँश्च लोकेऽमुष्मिँश्च चक्षुर्वाव प्रतिष्ठा ॥ ३ ॥

यो ह वै सम्पदं वेद सँहास्मै कामाः पद्यन्ते दैवाश्च मानुषाश्च श्रोत्रं वाव सम्पत् ॥ ४ ॥

यो ह वा आयतनं वेदायतनँ ह स्वानां भवति मनो ह वा आयतनम् ॥ ५ ॥

!! ছান্দোগ্য উপনিষদ !!

|| পঞ্চম অধ্যায় ||
|| প্রথম খন্ড ||
!! ওম !!

(১) জ্যেষ্ঠে আর শ্রেষ্ঠে জানিলে তবেই তাহা হওয়া যায় ,
প্রাণ ই জ্যেষ্ঠ প্রাণ ই শ্রেষ্ঠ তাহা জানিও নিশ্চয় !!

(২) 'বাঙ' (বাক) সর্ব্বত্তম , বাক- রে কহি বশিষ্ট সর্ব্বমধ্যে,
ইহা জানিলে হইবে সর্ব্বত্তম  -পরিজনমধ্যে !!  

(৩) দৃষ্টি (চক্ষু ) প্রতিষ্ট বলি জানিও এ জগৎমাঝে ,
তাহা জানিলে পাইবে প্রতিষ্ঠা দুই জগতের কাজে !! 

(৪) জানিলে সম্পদ-দৈবী-মানুষী সকল  ইচ্ছা পূরণ হয় ,
কর্ণ (শ্রবণ) সেই সম্পদ বলি জানিও নিশ্চয় !!

(৫) জানিয়া সবের 'আয়তন'স্বরূপ এই মন-এ ,
তব আয়তনে পাইবে তোমার  জ্ঞাতিবর্গগনে !

Part 5
Chapter 1
( The Supremacy of the Prana )

(1) He who knows what is the oldest and greatest becomes himself the oldest and greatest.Indeed, the prana, is the oldest and greatest. 

(2) He, who knows what is the most excellent (vasishtha) becomes the most excellent among his kinsmen. The organ of speech, indeed, is the most excellent.

(3 ) He, who knows what has the 'pratishtha' (attributes of firmness) becomes firm in this world and in the next. The eye, indeed, is endowed with firmness.

(4) He who knows 'sampad'(prosperity) , his divine and human wishes both are fulfilled. The ear, indeed, is prosperity.

(5) He who knows the 'ayatana'(abode) becomes the abode of his kinsmen. Indeed,the mind,is the abode.

In the next post we shall see how the sense-organs (pranas) disputed among themselves about who was the best among them.They went to their progenitor 'Prajapati' to solve their dispute.

How was it solved ? That is a beautiful story. Tomorrow :-)

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